(TOKO / SUPLIER ALAT KEBERSIHAN DI DENPASAR)Jl. Pertanian No.17 By Pass Pesanggaran - Denpasar Selatan(depan Indonesia Power / PLN)Telp. 0361-729276; Fax. 0361-729267; HP/WA. 0818 0566 8222; 081 855 4838email:; FB: Kerja :Hari Senin s/d Jumat: Jam 08.00 - 17.00Hari Sabtu: Jam 08.00 - 14.00
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kami juga melayani :
CV. Sekawan Biotek menyediakan berbagai jenis alat kebersihan untuk menunjang kegiatan cleaning baik di hotel-hotel, resort, villa, publik area (mal, perkantoran, rumah sakit, bank), rumah tangga dan lingkup lainnya. Istilah housekeeping tentu sudah tidak asing lagi di industri pariwisata.
Ada banyak jenis alat kebersihan yang digunakan dalam dunia housekeeping.
Mulai dari alat mopping/alat pel.
trolley housekeeping trolley/room attendant cart,
tempat sampah / dustbin,
sapu nylon - sapu ijuk, berbagai macam sapu sapu
kemoceng, window squeeze, window washer, botol sprayer,
kain lap microfiber, vaccuum cleaner, telescopic stick, floor brush dan masih banyak yang lainnya.
Berikut akan kami jelaskan beberapa alat kebersihan housekeeping yang tersedia / dijual di tempat kami.
Ada banyak jenis alat kebersihan yang digunakan dalam dunia housekeeping.
Mulai dari alat mopping/alat pel.
trolley housekeeping trolley/room attendant cart,
tempat sampah / dustbin,
sapu nylon - sapu ijuk, berbagai macam sapu sapu
kemoceng, window squeeze, window washer, botol sprayer,
kain lap microfiber, vaccuum cleaner, telescopic stick, floor brush dan masih banyak yang lainnya.
Berikut akan kami jelaskan beberapa alat kebersihan housekeeping yang tersedia / dijual di tempat kami.
1. Dua buah bucket (ember); Sesuai dengan namanya, double bucket memiliki dua ember/bucket masing-masing memiliki kapasitas 30 liter, satu ember sebagai tempat air yang telah dicampukan dengan obat pel dan satu ember lagi sebagai tempat air bersih untuk memeras kain pel yang telah kotor.
2. Wringer (alat pemeras); Hand wringer pada double bucket merupakan alat peras kain pel sehingga sangat memudahkan pengguna pada saat memeras kain pel tanpa harus memeras secara manual dengan tangan sehingga lebih efektif, menghemat waktu dan tenaga.
3. Kerangka trolley (besi/plastik) yang dilengkapi dengan empat buah roda; Kerangka double bucket ini sangat membantu pengguna pada saat kegiatan mopping, terutama pada saat kegiatan cleaning di beberapa lokasi.
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Double Bucket Kerangka Besi + Mop Press / Wringer
Uk.89 cm x 42 cm x 61.5 cm
Ukuran Bucket : 35 cm x 32 cm x 32 cm |
Single bucket adalah salah satu alat cleaning yang memiliki fungsi sama seperti double bucket. Bedanya, single bucket sesuai dengan namanya hanya memiliki satu buah bucket/ember. Jika double bucket dilengkapi dengan kerangka besi/plastik, single bucket tidak. Satu set single bucket terdiri dari:
1. Satu buah ember/bucket; berfungsi sebagai tempat air yang telah dicampur dengan obat pel. Salah satu kelebihan double bucket yang tidak dimiliki oleh single bucket adalah adanya dua tempat untuk memisahkan cairan yg berisikan obat pel dan air bersih untuk memeras kain yg telah kotor, sementara pada single bucket hanya tersedia satu buah ember yg berisikan cairan pel tanpa ada tambahan air bersih untuk memeras kain yg telah digunakan, sehingga cairan pel tersebut akan lebih cepat kotor.
2. Wringer/alat pemeras; Wringer pada single bucket berfungsi sebagai pemeras kain pel dengan cara menarik holder/pegangan pada wringer. Alat ini memudahkan pengguna pada saat memeras kain pel tanpa harus memeras secara manual dengan tangan sehingga lebih efektif, menghemat waktu dan tenaga.
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Single Bucket + Mop Press / Wringer kapasitas 36 Liter
Ukuran Bucket : (48,5 x 36,5 x 41,5) cm
Ukuran Mop Press : (24,5 x 25 x 37) cm ; p tangkai; 4
Dijual : Ready Stock
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Single Bucket + Mop Press/Wringer Kapasitas 20 Liter
(Uk. 46x32.5x38) cm
Dijual : Warna random tergantung barang datang |
Public Area Trolley / Public Area Cart biasanya disingkat P/A Trolley adalah satu set alat housekeeping yang dilengkapi dengan empat roda dan sebuah humper (kegunaan disesuaikan). Public Area Trolley biasanya digunakan oleh departemen housekeeping hotel/villa ataupun jasa cleaning service untuk mengangkut beberapa peralatan cleaning sekaligus seperti single bucket, alat pel, sapu, caddy bucket, kain-kain lap, window squeeze, window washer, kemoceng, botol sprayer dan lain-lain. Public Area Trolley ini akan sangat memudahkan pengguna pada saat membawa semua peralatan kebersihan tersebut saat kegiatan cleaning (efektif dan efisien). Ada 2 jenis PA Trolley yang tersedia di CV. SEKAWAN BIOTEK; PA Trolley Janitor Cart Cleaning Tools dilengkapi dengan double bucket, dan PA Trolley tanpa double bucket.
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Janitorial Cart Cleaning Tools | PA Trolley Housekeeping dilengkapi dengan double bucket + wringer |
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Public Area Trolley / PA Trolley
(Uk 52 x 87 x 99.5 cm)Dijual : Ready Stock |
Kain Public Area Trolley adalah salah satu komponen PA Trolley yg fungsinya bisa disesuaikan dengan keperluan pengguna, misalnya bisa sebagai tempat peralatan cleaning tambahan, kain-kain kotor, dan lain-lain).
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Kain Refill PA Trolley Ukuran : 35 x 25 x 70 cm Ready : Warna Kuning saja |
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Kain Refill Room Boy Trolley Ukuran Large : 39 x 27 x 77 Small : 35 x 27 x 69 cm |
1. Dua buah hamper/kantong pada sisi kiri dan kanan trolley dilengkapi dengan resleting sebagai space tambahan, fungsi masing-masing hamper bisa disesuaikan sesuai dengan keperluan. Misalnya, satu hamper digunakan sebagai garbage hamper dan satunya lagi sebagai linen hamper.
2. Rak pada bagian atas guest room cart; berfungsi sebagai rak tempat meletakkan peralatan, amenities, guest supplies.
3. Trolley rack dilengkapi dengan dua pintu. Trolley rack pada room attendant trolley ini dapat berfungsi untuk meletakkan linen, handuk dan keperluan kamar tamu yang ditata sedemikian rupa sehingga tetap dalam kondisi yg baik.
4. Roda pada bagian bawah trolley dan sudut-sudut samping trolley untuk memudahkan memindahkan guest room cart.
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Guest Room Cart / Room boy Trolley
Uk. 152.4 x 55.9 x 127 cm(Untuk bawa Linen, Handuk) (Ready Stock) |
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Kain Guest Room Cart dengan Resleting
(Uk. 44 x 26 x 85 cm)Dijual : Ready Stock |
Room Boy Trolley / Room Attendant Trolley ukuran large dan small adalah salah satu peralatan housekeeping yang memiliki kegunaan yang sama dengan Guest Room Cart, perbedaannya hanya pada ukuran dan desain (guest room cart memiliki pintu sedangkan room boy trolley large dan room boy trolley small tidak memiliki pintu.
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Room Boy Trolley Large
Uk (145 x 55 x 120) cmDijual: Ready Stock |
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Kain Room Boy Trolley Large (Uk. 39 x 27 x 77 cm) Dijual : Ready Stock |
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Room Boy Trolley Small
(Uk. 145 x 54 x 100) cmDijual : Ready Stock |
Terdapat dua jenis Laundry Trolley yang dijual di tempat kami; Laundry Trolley bentuk X dan Laundry Trolley berbentuk Rectangular (Persegi Panjang). Laundry Trolley ini biasanya digunakan oleh room division untuk mengangkut linen, handuk, bed cover dan lain-lain yang sudah kotor.
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Laundry Trolley Bentuk X
(Uk. 65 cm x 55 cm x 102 cm)
Dijual : Ready Stock
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Laundry Trolley Bentuk Rectangular / Persegi Panjang
(Uk 86 cm x 55 cm x 89 cm)Dijual : Ready Stock |
Ada beberapa jenis tempat sampah yang tersedia di CV. Sekawan Biotek, mulai dari kapasitas 5 liter sampai 1100 liter dengan berbagai jenis bentuk dan merk produk. Berikut beberapa tempat sampah beserta dengan kegunaannya.
Tempat Sampah Kotak Pijakan / Tempat Sampah dengan pedal kapasitas 15, 20 dan 25 liter adalah salah satu produk Shinpo. Tempat Sampah Pedal ini biasanya digunakan di dalam ruangan / indoor, bisa untuk di rumah tangga, hotel-hotel, villa, dan tempat tertentu yang tidak menghasilkan sampah dalam kapasitas yang banyak. Untuk warna tempat sampah pedal ini hanya satu warna saja yaitu abu-abu.
Tempat Sampah Kotak Pijakan / Tempat Sampah dengan pedal kapasitas 15, 20 dan 25 liter adalah salah satu produk Shinpo. Tempat Sampah Pedal ini biasanya digunakan di dalam ruangan / indoor, bisa untuk di rumah tangga, hotel-hotel, villa, dan tempat tertentu yang tidak menghasilkan sampah dalam kapasitas yang banyak. Untuk warna tempat sampah pedal ini hanya satu warna saja yaitu abu-abu.
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Tempat sampah kotak SIP 710 pijakan 10 liter
(Uk 24 x 21 x 34 cm)Ready Stock |
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Tempat sampah kotak SIP 720 pijakan 20 liter
(Uk. 35 x 25 x 38 cm)Ready Stock |
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Tempat sampah kotak SIP 725 pijakan 25 liter
(Uk. 35.5 x 25.5 x 47 cm)
Ready Stock
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Tempat Sampah Kotak 15, 20 & 25 Liter |
Tempat Sampah Bio Dustbin terbuat dari bahan plastik tebal dan kuat, tetapi tidak terlalu berat (sekitar 1,6 kg). Bio Dustbin biasanya digunakan sebagai tempat sampah indoor, bisa juga outdoor. Bio Dustbin banyak digunakan di lingkup perhotelan, villa, public area, bisa juga untuk rumah tangga. Bio Dustbin memili pedal/pijakan sehingga memudahkan saat hendak membuang sampah tanpa harus menggunakan tangan sehingga tangan tetap hiegenis. Bio Dustbin yang ready di tempat kami adalah kapasitas 42 dan 50 Liter, untuk Bio Dustbin kapasitas 90 Liter tidak ready stock tetapi bisa indent 3-7 hari.
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BIO Dustbin 42 liter ada pedalnya
Uk. 403 x 339 x 630 mm
Warna Merah, Hijau, Kuning, Abu-Abu
Ready Stock
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BIO Dustbin 50 Liter Uk. 440 x 343 x 680 Ready Stock |
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BIO Dustbin 90 liter ada pedalnya
Uk. 505 x 550 x 750 mmDijual : Indent 1 minggu |
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Bin kapasitas 120 Liter tanpa pedal
(Uk 55 x 45 x 95 cm)Dijual : Ready Stock |
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Dust Bin kapasitas 240 Liter tanpa pedal
(Uk. 73 x 58 x 105 cm)Ready Stock |
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Dustbin kapasitas 660 liter & 1100 liter (Uk. 110 x L66 x T110 cm) ( Ada stok, bila pesan lebih dari 1 indent 8 hari ) |
Untuk produk-produk kebersihan yang lain bisa dilihat pada postingan kami berikutnya.
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Pengiriman barang alat kebesrihan housekeeping ke candidasa |
Supplier for Housekeeping / Cleaning service Equipment & Chemical Housekeeping in Bali
Pertanian Street No 17 ( BPTP ) Pesanggaran, By Pass Benoa - Denpasar
Telp. (0361) 729276/729267; Fax. (0361) 729267; Hub./WA. 0818 0566 8222 & 0818 554 838
we also serve:
( Jasa Menyewakan mesin housekeeping )
Fabric Room Boy Trolley Large
(Uk. 39 x 27 x 77 cm)
For sale: Ready Stock
Small Boy Trolley Room
(Uk. 148.5 x 50 x 85 cm)
For sale: Ready Stock
Laundry Trolley Rectangular / Rectangular Shape
(Uk 86 cm x 55 cm x 89 cm)
For sale: Ready Stock
CV. Sekawan Biotek provides various types of cleaning equipment to support cleaning activities in hotels, resorts, villas, public areas (malls, offices, hospitals, banks), households and other spheres. The term housekeeping is certainly no stranger to the tourism industry.
There are many types of cleaning equipment used in the world of housekeeping.
Starting from mopping tools / mops. trolley housekeeping trolley / room attendant cart, trash can / dustbin, nylon broom - palm fiber broom, various kinds of broom brooms duster, squeeze window, window washer, sprayer bottle, microfiber cloth, vaccuum cleaner, telescopic stick, floor brush and many others.
Next we will explain some housekeeping cleaning tools available / sold in our place.
Double Bucket 30 liters is one of the cleaning tools that are often used by the housekeeping department in hotels, villas, restaurants or by cleaning service services in public areas such as malls, airports, hospitals, etc. to support floor mopping / packing activities. A double bucket set consists of the following components:
1. Two buckets (buckets); As the name implies, double buckets have two buckets / buckets each of which has a capacity of 30 liters, one bucket as a place for water that has been mixed with mop medicine and one bucket as a place for clean water to squeeze a dirty mop
2. Wringer; Hand wringer on the double bucket is a mop press tool so it is very easy for users to squeeze the mop without having to squeeze manually by hand so it is more effective, saving time and effort.
3. Trolley frame (iron / plastic) equipped with four wheels; This double bucket framework is very helpful for users during mopping activities, especially during cleaning activities in several locations.
Double Bucket + Mop Press / Wringer
Uk.89x42x61.5 cm
Dijual : Ready Stock
Double Bucket + Mop Press
(Uk.76x44x54.5 cm)
Dijual : Ready Stock
Single bucket is one cleaning tool that has the same function as a double bucket. The difference is, the single bucket according to its name only has one bucket / bucket. If the double bucket is equipped with an iron / plastic frame, no single bucket. A single bucket set consists of:
1. One bucket / bucket; serves as a place for water that has been mixed with mop medicine. One of the advantages of a double bucket that is not owned by a single bucket is that there are two places to separate the liquid containing mop medicine and clean water to squeeze the dirty cloth, while the single bucket is only available one bucket containing liquid mop without additional clean water to squeeze the cloth that has been used, so the mop liquid will get dirty faster.
2. Wringer / squeezer; Wringer on the single bucket serves as a mop wringer by pulling the holder / handle on the wringer. This tool makes it easy for users to squeeze mops without having to squeeze manually by hand so it is more effective, saving time and effort.
Single Bucket + Mop Press / Wringer capacity of 36 Liters
(Uk. 54.5x39.5x42 cm)
For sale: Ready Stock
Single Bucket + Mop Press / Wringer Capacity of 20 Liters
(Uk. 46x32.5x38 cm)
For sale: Ready Stock
Public Area Trolley / Public Area Cart usually abbreviated as P / A Trolley is a set of housekeeping tools equipped with four wheels and a humper (adjustable uses). Trolley Public Area is usually used by hotel / villa housekeeping departments or cleaning service services to transport several cleaning equipment at once such as single buckets, mops, brooms, caddy buckets, washcloths, squeeze windows, window washer, duster, sprayer bottles and more -other. This Public Area Trolley will greatly facilitate users when carrying all cleaning equipment during cleaning activities (effective and efficient).
Public Area Trolley / PA Trolley
(Uk 120 x 46 x 99.5 cm)
For sale: Ready Stock
Public Area Trolley Fabric is one component of PA Trolley whose function can be adjusted to the needs of users, for example, it can be used as a place for additional cleaning equipment, dirty fabrics, etc.).
Cloth Public Area PA Trolley
(Uk 35 x 25 x 70 cm)
For sale: Ready Stock
Guest Room Cart / Room Attendant Trolley / Room Boy Trolley is one of the housekeeping equipment resembling a stroller that serves to carry guest room equipment such as linen, cleaning equipment & chemical, amenities, guest supplies and additional equipment used to prepare guest rooms to make work is more effective and efficient because the equipment is neatly arranged, in good condition can be loaded a lot in one place.
One Set of Guest Room Cart consists of several components that function as follows:
1. Two pieces almost / pockets on the left and right side of the trolley are equipped with zippers as additional space, each function can almost be adjusted according to needs. For example, one is almost used as almost garbage and the other is almost a linen.
2. Shelves at the top of the guest room cart; serves as a shelf where equipment, amenities, guest supplies are placed.
3. Trolley rack equipped with two doors. The trolley rack in the room attendant trolley can serve to put linen, towels and guest room needs arranged in such a way that they remain in good condition.
4. The wheels at the bottom of the trolley and the side corners of the trolley make it easy to move the guest room cart.
Guest Room Cart / Room boy Trolley
(To bring Linen, Towels)
Uk. 152.4 x 55.9 x 127 cm
(Ready Stock)
Guest Room Cart Fabric with Zipper
(Uk 44 x 26 x 85 cm)
For sale: Ready Stock
Boy Trolley Room / Room Attendant Trolley for large and small size is one of the housekeeping equipment that has the same use as Guest Room Cart, the difference is only in size and design (guest room cart has a door while room boy trolley large and small room boy trolley do not have door.
Room Boy Large Trolley
Uk 150 x 55 x 109 cm
For sale: Ready Stock
(Uk. 39 x 27 x 77 cm)
For sale: Ready Stock
Small Boy Trolley Room
(Uk. 148.5 x 50 x 85 cm)
For sale: Ready Stock
There are two types of Laundry Trolley sold in our place; X shape Laundry Trolley and Rectangular (Rectangular) Laundry Trolley. Laundry Trolley is usually used by room division to transport linen, towels, bed covers and others that have been dirty.
Laundry Trolley Form X
(Uk. 65 cm x 55 cm x 102 cm)
For sale: Ready Stock
(Uk 86 cm x 55 cm x 89 cm)
For sale: Ready Stock
There are several types of bins available at CV. Sekawan Biotek, ranging from a capacity of 5 liters to 1100 liters with various types of products and brands. Here are some trash bins along with their uses.
Trash Box Footing / Trash can with pedal capacity of 15, 20 and 25 liters is one of Shinpo products. Trash can This pedal is usually used indoors / indoors, it can be used for households, hotels, villas, and certain places that do not produce waste in a large capacity. For the color of the pedal trash, only one color is gray.
10-liter footprint SIP 710 trash can
(Uk 24 x 21 x 34 cm)
Ready Stock
20 liter SIP 720 trash bin
(35 x 25 x 38 cm)
Ready Stock
25 liter SIP 725 trash bin
(Uk. 35.5 x 25.5 x 47 cm)
Ready Stock
Trash Box 15, 20 & 25 Liter
Bio Dustbin Trash is made of thick and strong plastic material, but not too heavy (about 1.6 kg). Bio Dustbin is usually used as an indoor trash can, it can also be outdoor. Bio Dustbin is widely used in the scope of hotels, villas, public areas, also for households. Bio Dustbin has a pedal / footing that makes it easier to throw garbage without having to use hands so that the hands remain hygienic. Bio Dustbin that is ready in our place is a capacity of 42 and 50 liters, for Bio Dustbin the capacity of 90 liters is not ready stock but can be indent 3-7 days.
42-liter BIO Dustbin has a pedal
Uk. 403 x 339 x 630 mm
Red, Green, Yellow, Gray
Ready Stock
50 Liter BIO Dustbin
Uk. 440 x 343 x 680
Ready Stock
The 90 liter BIO Dustbin has a pedal
Uk. 505 x 550 x 750 mm
For sale: Indent 1 week
If you need a large capacity garbage bin / dustbin and for outdoor use, there are several alternative choices available in our place as shown below.
Dust Bin capacity of 120 liters without pedals
(Uk 55 x 45 x 95 cm)
For sale: Ready Stock
Dust Bin capacity of 240 liters without pedals
(Uk. 73 x 58 x 105 cm)
Ready Stock
Dustbin has a capacity of 660 liters & 1100 liters
(Uk 110 x L66 x T110 cm)
(There is stock, if you order more than 1 indent 8 days)
Other hygiene products can be seen in our next post
Delivery of housekeeping items to Candidates.