Minggu, 25 Februari 2018

Jual Alat Kebersihan : Tempat Sampah, Tisu Livi, Sabun Cair, Floor Sign, Ember di Denpasar - Bali.


Jl. Pertanian No.17 By Pass Pesanggaran - Denpasar Selatan
(depan Indonesia Power / PLN)
Telp. 0361-729276; Fax. 0361-729267; HP/WA. 0818 0566 8222; 081 855 4838
email: palgunad@gmail.com; FB: https://www.facebook.com/SekawanBiotek
Jam Kerja :
Hari Senin s/d Jumat: Jam 08.00 - 17.00
Hari Sabtu: Jam 08.00 - 14.00

Bisa Order Via WA / HP nomor diatas lanjut kami kirim atau Via Gojek / Goshop
Bisa datang ke kantor kami Share Lokasi Sbb :  
Bisa juga Order Langsung via Online Shop kami di Tokopedia & Shopee, SILAHKAN  KLIK :

https://shopee.co.id/  Atau  https://www.tokopedia.com


Tempat sampah roda empat, alumunium stick, pengki, dust pan,mat, floor polisher
mesin pembersih lantai

Produk Tisu LIVI 
(Tissue Roll Toilet, Multifold Hand Towel, Kitchen Roll Towel, 
Facial Plain Box Tissue, Cocktail Tissue, Dinner Napkin Tissue)

Jual floor cleaner sabun pel lantai Bratacare, Mr. Muscle Axi Triguna, SOS Pel, Aganol Yuri
Sabun Cuci Piring Bratacare, Windex Glass Cleaner Jhonson, Shine UP, dll)

Tissue Livi; Premium Hand  Roll Towel, Multifold Hand Towel,
Tissue Diner Napkin, Cocktail Napkin, Pop Up Napkin, Tissue Multipurpose Livi, dll

Tempat sampah segi komet tutup ayun, ember 4 galon, ember 6 galon, 
keranjang sampah kecil, keset sabut kelapa, keset mie.
Ember dengan tutup atau ember tanpa tutup

Pad Holder, dudukan sponge mesin polisher

Pad holder untuk mesin polisher lantai, bila gerigi pada pad holder habis atau ring pengunci sudah rusak, kami menyediakan pad holder yang baru.

Single Bucket dengan pemerasan / mop press kapasitas 20 Liter

Floor Sign
Caution Wet Floor, Cleaning in Progress, Maintenance in Progress

Toilet bowl brush, single bucket mop press, double bucket mop prss,
caddy bucket, gayung air, tong sampah.

sapu nylon, sapu ijuk, sapu lidi, sapu lidi gagang kayu, sapu daun, sapu daun kecil, sapu daun besar,
wefer lantai, floor squegee, sapu lantai nagata, telescopic stick,

Double Bucket 30 Liter dengan Pemerasan / Mop Press

3M pad, pad sponge 3 M , 3M pad putih, 3Mpad merah, pad coklat, digunakan dengan mesin polisher lantai /
Floor polisher, ready stock ukuran 16", 17" dan 20".

Kain pel katun warna putih abu, mop cotton putih,
 kain pel katun warna biru 400 gram

Pad Holder / Dudukan Perekat Pad Polish Mesin Polisher
ready stok; Pad Holder 17" dan 18"

Scrubbing brush floor polisher, sedia ukuran 17" dan 18"

Tersedia Pad Polish ukuran 16 inch, 17 inch dan 20 inch, diamond pad. Info lebih lanjut bisa dilihat di link berikut ini:

Jual Pad Polish, Diamond Pad


Jl. Pertanian No.17 (BPTP) Pesanggaran, By Pass Benoa - Denpasar 
(Depan Indonesia Power / PLN)
 (200 meters from Benoa expressway intersection, in front of Indonesia Power)
Telp. 0361-729276; Fax. 0361-729267; HP/WA. 0818 0566 8222081 855 4838
email: palgunad@gmail.com; FB: https://www.facebook.com/SekawanBiotek

Working hours :
Monday to Friday: 08.00 - 17.00
Saturday: 08: 00-13: 00

Four-wheeled bin, aluminum stick, dustpan, dust pan, mat, floor polisher
floor cleaning machine

Tissue Products LIVI
(Tissue Roll Toilet, Multifold Hand Towel, Kitchen Roll Towel,
Facial Plain Box Tissue, Cocktail Tissue, Dinner Napkin Tissue)

Sell ​​floor cleaner from Bratacare floor mop soap, Mr. Muscle Axi Triguna, SOS Pel, Aganol Yuri
Bratacare Dish Soap, Windex Glass Cleaner Jhonson, Shine UP, etc.)

Tissue Livi

Swinging bins, buckets, mats.
Buckets with a lid or bucket without lid

Pad Holder, sponge holder machine polisher
Pad holder for the floor polisher machine, if the gear on the pad holder runs out or the locking ring is broken, we provide a new pad holder.

Single Bucket with squeeze / mop press capacity of 20 liters

Floor Sign
Caution Wet Floor, Cleaning in Progress, Maintenance in Progress

Toilet bowl brush, single bucket mop press, double bucket mop prss,
caddy bucket, water dipper, trash can.

nylon broom, palm broom, stick broom, wooden broom stick, leaf broom, small leaf broom, large leaf broom,
floor wefer, floor squegee, nagata floor broom, telescopic stick,

30 Liter Double Bucket with Extortion / Mop Press

3M pad, 3M sponge pad, 3M white pad, 3Mpad red, brown pad, used with floor polisher machine.
Floor polisher, ready stock sizes 16 ", 17" and 20 ".

White ash cotton mop, white cotton mop,
blue 400 gram cotton mop

Pad Holder / Adhesive Holder Pad Polish Polisher Machine
ready stock; Pad Holder 17 "and 18"

Scrubbing brush floor polisher, available in sizes 17 "and 18"

Available 16 inch, 17 inch and 20 inch Polish Pads, diamond pad. More info can be seen at the following link:
Sell ​​Pad Polish, Diamond Pad

Jumat, 15 September 2017

Chemical Housekeeping (Obat Pel, Sabun Cuci Piring, Obat Kaca, Obat Furniture, Desinfectant Antiseptic)


Jl. Pertanian No.17 By Pass Pesanggaran - Denpasar Selatan
(depan Indonesia Power / PLN)
Telp. 0361-729276; Fax. 0361-729267; HP/WA. 0818 0566 8222; 081 855 4838
email: palgunad@gmail.com; FB: https://www.facebook.com/SekawanBiotek
Jam Kerja :
Hari Senin s/d Jumat: Jam 08.00 - 17.00
Hari Sabtu: Jam 08.00 - 14.00

Bisa Order Via WA / HP nomor diatas lanjut kami kirim atau Via Gojek / Goshop
Bisa datang ke kantor kami Share Lokasi Sbb :  
Bisa juga Order Langsung via Online Shop kami di Tokopedia & Shopee, SILAHKAN  KLIK :

 https://shopee.co.id      Atau   https://www.tokopedia.com


Housekeeping Chemical

CV. Sekawan Biotek menyediakan berbagai jenis chemical housekeeping, tidak hanya itu saja tetapi juga menyediakan obat-obat / chemical yang sering digunakan untuk keperluan dapur (kitchen chemical), (laundry chemical), obat kolam renang (pool chemical), obat-obat untuk perawatan lantai marmer, teraso, aci dll (stone care product). Berikut di bawah ini beberapa jenis chemical yang sering digunakan dalam kegiatan cleaning oleh departemen housekeeping:

1. Sabun Pel (Floor Chemical)
    Ada beberapa jenis sabun pel yang kami jual, mulai dari produk Bratacare aroma Apel (kemasan 5 liter dan 20 liter), Mr. Muscle Axi Triguna Aroma Lemon (kemasan 4 liter), Aganol Yuri aroma Lemon & Lavender (kemasan 3,7 liter), Marble Klin Produk Jhonson (kemasan 4 liter), SOS Aroma Lemon Twist & Apel (kemasan 4 liter & 800 ml).

2. Sabun Cuci Piring (Dish Washing Chemical)
     Ada beberapa jenis produk sabun cuci piring yang tersedia di tempat kami, antara lain sabun cuci piring Bratacare aroma Jeruk Nipis (kemasan 5 liter & 20 liter), sabun cuci piring Ligent aroma Jeruk Nipis (kemasan 3,7 liter & 20 liter), Sunlight aroma Jeruk Nipis (kemasan 800 ml & 5 liter) dan Mama Lemon (kemasan 750 ml).

3. Obat Pembersih Kaca (Glass Cleaner Cleaner)
    Beberapa produk chemical pembersih kaca yang tersedia di tempat kami antara lain; Glance Glass Cleaner produk Jhonson (kemasan 4 liter), Windex Glass Cleaner produk Jhonson (kemasan 4 liter), dan Glass Cleaner Yuri (kemasan 3,7 liter).

4. Sabun Cuci Tangan (Hand Soap)
    Hand soap atau sabun cuci tangan adalah cairan pencuci tangan dengan formula anti bakteri, membuat tangan bersih hiegenis. Beberapa produk sabun cuci tangan / hand soap yang ada di tempat kami adalah sabun cuci tangan produk Jhonson; Be Fresh Jhonson aroma Citrus (Jeruk Nipis), Be Fresh Jhonson aroma Apel dan Be Fresh Jhonson aroma Orange dengan masing-masing kemasan 4 liter. Selain itu ada produk dari Bratacare; Hand Soap Bratacare aroma Strawberry (kemasan 800 ml, 5 liter dan 20 liter). Busa yang dihasilkan halus terasa lembut di tangan, menjaga kelembutan kulit, sehingga tangan tetap halus dan harum menyegarkan.

5. Karbol Wangi / Desinfectan / Antiseptic Cair
    Karbol wangi / desinfectan adalah cairan obat pel pembersih lantai sekaligus desinfectan penghilang bau tak sedap dan membunuh kuman, bakteri-bakteri yang dapat menimbulkan penyakit. Beberapa jenis karbol yang tersedia di tempat kami adalah; Karbol Wangi Jhonson / Trusol aroma Pine (kemasan 4 liter), SOS Karbol Anti Bakterp aroma Lemon Pine dan Classic Pine (kemasan 4 liter), Desinfectan Citrus Produk Bratacare (kemasan botolan 1 liter) dan Desinfectan L 100 (kemasan botolan 1 liter),Desinfectant Lysorin Yuri (kemasan 3,7 liter & 1 liter), Dettol Antiseptic Cair & Giant Antiseptic Cair (kemasan botol 750 ml dan 245ml), Forward Deinfectant Jhonson, Hand Sanitazer Jhonson.

6. Pembersih Keramik / Porselen (Ceramic Cleaner / Porcelain Cleaner)
    Obat pembersih keramik / porcelen biasanya digunakan untuk menghilangkan noda kerak membandel di permukaan lantai atau dinding, bath tub dan sebagainya yang terbuat dari keramik/porselen. Selain itu dapat membunuh kuman-kuman yang ada di sekitar toilet bowl dan urinal. Beberapa jenis chemical yang kami jual antara lain; Go Getter Jhonson (kemasan 4 liter & 1000 ml), Porstex kemasan (3,7 liter & 20 liter) dan Wings Porcelain Cleaner / WPC (kemasan 4 liter & 600 ml).

7. Obat Pembersih Stainless (Metal Cleaner / Metal Shine)
    Ada beberapa produk pembersih barang/benda yang terbuat dari stainless steel, besi, metal dan lain-lain tersedia di tempat kami. Chemical yang mengandung bahan-bahan pembersih & abrasive halus sebagian besar memberi manfaat untuk melindungi permukaan logam dari kotoran dan goresan, mengkilapkan permukaan dengan cepat. Obat pembersih stainless tersebut antara lain; Metal Shine (kemasan 4 liter & 1 liter), Easy Dab NCL (kemasan botol 946 ml), Cream Cleanser 3M (kemasan botol 946 ml), Metal Oil, Exxed Powder, 3M Stainless Cleaner (kemasan kaleng spray 600 gram), Yuri TAF aroma Fresh Blue & Lemon Fresh (kemasan 500 gram).

Salah satu produk penghilang noda membandel, pembersih kerak yang paling ampuh dan recommended di tempat kami adalah produk 3M yaitu Cream Cleanser dan Easy Dab; chemical berbentuk cairan kental menyerupai pasta ini mampu menghilangkan noda karat, kerak air pada keran wastafel/bath tub/kaca, dan juga pada noda kuning di sekitar toilet bowl. Penggunaan cream pembersih serbaguna ini sangat mudah sekali yaitu dengan menggunakan spons anti gores / Power Blue Sponge 3M.

8. Obat Furniture Care (Furniture Polish)
    Furniture Polish adalah obat yang berfungsi untuk merawat permukaan benda/barang yang terbuat dari stainless, besi, kayu, meubel dan lain sebagainya. Sebagian besar chemical untuk furniture polish digunakan untuk melindungi permukaan benda yang dibersihkan dari kotoran dan goresan, mengkilapkan permukaan dengan cepat. Beberapa produk yang tersedia di tempat kami antara lain;

9. Pengharum Ruangan (Air Freshner)
    Beberapa produk pengharum ruangan yang tersedia di tempat kami adalah Stella Air Freshner (Semprot/Spray 400 ml), Stella Bathroom aroma buah (kemasan plastik 70 gram), Stella AC aroma Orange, Lemon (kemasan 42 gram & 80 gram), Air Freshner Aroma Terapi Excel (kemasan kaleng ml), Glade Jhonson aroma Lemon & French Bouquet (kemasan 4 liter).

10. Amenities (Shower Gel, Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Lotion)

Tersedia juga chemical pool / obat kolam renang, silahkan klik di link berikut ini:
Jual Obat Kolam Renang (Pool Chemical) di Denpasar


Pertanian Street No.17 (BPTP) Pesanggaran, By Pass Benoa - Denpasar 
(in front of Indonesia Power / PLN).
Telp. 0361-729276; Fax. 0361-729267; HP/WA. 0818 0566 8222; 0818554838
email : palgunad@gmail.com; 

Working hours :
Monday to Friday 08.00 - 17.00
Saturday 08.00 - 13.00

Housekeeping Chemical
CV. Sekawan Biotek provides various types of housekeeping chemicals, not only that but also provides medicines / chemicals which are often used for kitchen needs (kitchen chemical), (laundry chemical), pool drugs (pool chemicals), medicines for floor care marble, terrazzo, aci etc. (stone care product). Here below are some types of chemicals that are often used in cleaning activities by the housekeeping department:

1. Floor Chemical
    There are several types of mop soaps that we sell, starting from the Bratacare aroma of Apples (5 liters and 20 liters), Mr. Muscle Axi Triguna Aroma Lemon (4 liter packaging), Aganol Yuri aroma of Lemon & Lavender (3.7 liter packaging), Marble Klin Jhonson Products (4 liter packaging), SOS Aroma Lemon Twist & Apples (4 liter & 800 ml packaging).

2. Dish Washing Soap (Dish Washing Chemical)
     There are several types of dish soap products available at our place, including Bratacare dish soap with the aroma of Lime (5 liter & 20 liter packaging), Lime Ligent dish soap (3.7 liter & 20 liter packaging), Sunlight the aroma of Lime (800 ml & 5 liter packaging) and Mama Lemon (750 ml packaging).

3. Glass Cleaning Medication (Glass Cleaner Cleaner)
    Some of the glass cleaner chemical products available at our place include; Glance Glass Cleaner Jhonson products (4 liter packaging), Windex Glass Cleaner Jhonson products (4 liter packaging), and Yuri Glass Cleaner (3.7 liter packaging).

4. Hand Soap
    Hand soap or hand washing soap is a hand washing liquid with an anti-bacterial formula, making hygienic hands clean. Some hand soap / hand soap products available at our place are Jhonson product hand-washing soap; Be Fresh Citrus scent Jhonson (Lime), Be Fresh Jhonson fragrance Apple and Orange Fresh Beef Jhonson with 4 liters each. In addition there are products from Bratacare; Hand Soap Bratacare aroma Strawberry (800 ml, 5 liter and 20 liter packaging). The resulting foam smoothly feels soft on the hands, maintaining the softness of the skin, so the hands remain smooth and fragrant refreshing

5. Carbolic Fragrance / Desinfectant
    Carbolic fragrance / desinfectant is a floor cleaning liquid as well as desinfecting bad odors and killing germs, bacteria that can cause disease. Some types of carbolic acid available at our place are; Karbol Wangi Jhonson / Trusol aroma Pine (4 liter packaging), SOS Karbol Lemon Pine aroma and Classic Pine (4 liter packaging), Citrus Bratacare Product Desinfectant (1 liter bottle packaging) and L 100 Desinfectant (1 liter bottled packaging).

6. Ceramic / Porcelain Cleaner (Ceramic Cleaner / Porcelain Cleaner)
    Ceramic / porcelen cleaning drugs are usually used to remove stubborn stains on the surface of the floor or walls, bath tubs and so on made of ceramic / porcelain. Besides that it can kill germs that are around bowl and urinal toilets. Some of the chemical types that we sell include; Go Getter Jhonson (4 liter & 1000 ml packaging), Porstex packaging (3.7 liters & 20 liters) and Wings Porcelain Cleaner / WPC (4 liter & 600 ml packaging).

7. Stainless Cleansing Medication (Metal Cleaner / Metal Shine)
    There are several cleaning products made of stainless steel, iron, metal and others available at our place. Chemical which contains cleaning agents & fine abrasives provides benefits to protect metal surfaces from dirt and scratches, quickly polishing the surface. Stainless cleansing drugs include; Metal Shine (4 liter & 1 liter packaging), Easy Dab NCL (946 ml bottle packaging), 3M Cleanser Cream (946 ml bottle packaging), Metal Oil, Exxed Powder, 3M Stainless Cleaner (600 gram canned spray packaging), Yuri TAF the aroma of Fresh Blue & Lemon Fresh (500 gram packaging).

One stubborn stain remover product, the most effective and recommended crust cleaners in our place are 3M products, namely Cream Cleanser and Easy Dab; This chemical in the form of paste-like thick liquid is able to remove rust stains, water crust on the sink / bath tub / glass faucet, and also on yellow stains around the toilet bowl. The use of this versatile cleaning cream is very easy by using 3M anti-scratch sponge / Power Blue Sponge.

8. Furniture Care Medication (Polish Furniture)
    Furniture Polish is a medicine that serves to treat the surface of objects / items made of stainless, iron, wood, furniture and so on. Most chemicals for furniture polish are used to protect the surface of objects that are cleaned of dirt and scratches, quickly polishing the surface. Some of the products available at our place include;

9. Air Freshener (Air Freshner)
    Some of the air freshener products available at our place are Stella Air Freshner (Spray / Spray 400 ml), fragrance Stella Bathroom (70 gram plastic packaging), Stella AC aroma Orange, Lemon (packaging 42 grams & 80 grams), Air Freshner Aroma Excel therapy (ml can packaging), Glade Jhonson aroma Lemon & French Bouquet (4 liter packaging).

10. Amenities (Shower Gel, Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Lotion)

There is also a chemical pool / pool medicine, please click on the following link:
Selling Medicinal Swimming Pool (Pool Chemical) in Denpasar

Jumat, 14 Juli 2017

Jual Set Lobby Duster & Floor Sign Caution Wet Floor


Jl. Pertanian No.17 By Pass Pesanggaran - Denpasar Selatan
(depan Indonesia Power / PLN)
Telp. 0361-729276; Fax. 0361-729267; HP/WA. 0818 0566 8222; 081 855 4838
email: palgunad@gmail.com; FB: https://www.facebook.com/SekawanBiotek
Jam Kerja :
Hari Senin s/d Jumat: Jam 08.00 - 17.00
Hari Sabtu: Jam 08.00 - 14.00

Bisa Order Via WA / HP nomor diatas lanjut kami kirim atau Via Gojek / Goshop
Bisa datang ke kantor kami Share Lokasi Sbb :  
Bisa juga Order Langsung via Online Shop kami di Tokopedia & Shopee, SILAHKAN  KLIK :

https://shopee.co.id/  Atau  https://www.tokopedia.com


Lobby Duster adalah salah satu alat cleaning housekeeping untuk membersihkan lantai terutama mengangkat debu. Fungsi lobby duster hampir sama dengan sapu yaitu sama-sama membersihkan lantai. Akan tetapi, pada umumnya penggunaan lobby duster digunakan setelah lantai dibersihkan dengan sapu terlebih dahulu, dalam artian untuk membersihkan lantai dengan tingkat kotor yang ringan/untuk menyapu debu atau kotoran ringan sehingga lantai tetap bersih mengkilap selain itu penggunaan lobby duster ini sangat efektif dan efisien. Penggunaan lobby duster sering kita jumpai di tempat-tempat umum yang memiliki area yang cukup luas seperti hotel, villa, mal, rumah sakit, perkantoran, airport dan lain-lain. Lobby duster ini bisa juga digunakan untuk kalangan rumah tangga.

Ada dua jenis lobby duter yang tersedia di tempat kami; Lobby Duster Acrylic Biru untuk lantai kering (dry floor only) dan Lobby Duster Putih untuk lantai kering dan basah (wet and dry floor).

Satu set Lobby Duster terdiri dari:
  • Alumunium stick 1,5 m + hand grip di ujung aluminium sebagai holder/pegangan.
  • Frame lobby duster (kerangka stainless untuk menjepit kain)
  • Kain lobby terbuat dari bahan fibre warna biru untuk spesial dusting kering dan cotton warna putih untuk bersihkan basah dan kering.        

1. Lobby Duster Acrylic Biru

    Ada tiga ukuran untuk masing-masing jenis lobby duster yang tersedia di tempat kami. Lobby duster 40 cm, 60 cm dan 80 cm. Apabila kain telah kotor, bisa dicuci dan digunakan kembali. Kami juga menyediakan untuk refill kain lobby duster untuk masing-masing ukuran beserta dengan spare part lainnya yaitu aluminium stick 1,5 m dan frame lobby duster.

Lobby Duster Acrylic Biru 40 cm Komplit

Lobby Duster Acrylic Biru 60 cm Komplit

Lobby Duster Acrylic Biru 80 cm Komplit

2. Lobby Duster Putih 
    Terdapat tiga jenis ukuran lobby duster putih yang tersedia di toko kami. Lobby duster putih ukuran 40 cm, 60 cm dan 80 cm. Tersedia juga refill kain lobby duster untuk masing-masing ukuran beserta dengan spare part lainnya yaitu aluminium stick 1,5 m dan frame lobby duster.

Lobby Duster Putih 40cm Komplit

Lobby Duster 60 cm Komplit

Lobby Duster Putih 80 cm Komplit
3. Spare Part Lobby Duster
    Adapun komponen spare part lobby duster adalah aluminium stick 1,5 meter, frame lobby duster dan kain lobby duster. Masing-masing komponen lobby duster tersebut tersedia di toko kami. 

Aluminium Stick 1,5 meter

Frame Lobby Duster 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm

Refill Kain Lobby Duster 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm

Refill Kain Lobby Duster Putih 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm

FLOOR SIGN (Caution Wet Floor, Cleaning in Progress, Maintenance in Progress)

Floor Sign, Caution Wet Floor, Cleaning in Progress, Maintenance in Progress

Jika anda berminat, silahkan hubungi kontak yang tersedia di atas, bisa juga melalui email jika anda ingin melakukan penawaran harga, atau langsung datang ke kantor kami untuk mendapatkan harga terbaik. CV. Sekawan Biotek juga melayani jasa pengiriman luar daerah melalui ekspedisi yang tersedia.


Supplier for Housekeeping Equipment and Chemical Housekeeping in Bali
Jl. Pertanian No 17 ( BPTP ) Pesanggaran, By Pass Benoa - Denpasar
Telp. (0361) 729276/729267; Fax. (0361) 729267; Hub./WA. 0818 0566 8222; 0818 554 838
email: palgunad@gmail.com; FB: Ariya Pal Gunadi

Working hours :
Monday to Friday at 8:00 - 17:00
Saturday at 8:00 - 13:00
Please visit our website:

  1. http://balicleaningservice.blogspot.com/
  2. http://polesmarmerdibali.blogspot.com
  3. http://detergentlaundrybali.blogspot.com/

The Lobby Duster is one of the housekeeping cleaning tools to clean the floor, especially lifting dust. The function of the lobby duster is almost the same as the broom which is both cleaning the floor. However, in general the use of the lobby duster is used after the floor is cleaned with a broom first, in the sense to clean the floor with a light dirty level / to sweep away dust or mild dirt so that the floor remains shiny clean besides the use of lobby duster is very effective and efficient. The use of lobby dusters is often encountered in public places that have quite large areas such as hotels, villas, malls, hospitals, offices, airports and others. This lobby duster can also be used for households.

There are two types of duter lobby available at our place; Acrylic Blue Lobby Duster for dry floors only and Duster Putih Lobby for dry and wet floors (wet and dry floor).

A Lobby Duster set consists of:

1.5 m aluminum stick + hand grip on the aluminum end as a holder.
Frame lobby duster (stainless frame for clamping cloth)
The lobby fabric is made of blue fiber material for special dry dusting and white cotton to clean wet and dry.

1. Acrylic Blue Lobby Duster
    There are three sizes for each type of lobby duster available at our place. Lobby is located 40 cm, 60 cm and 80 cm. If the cloth is dirty, it can be washed and reused. We also provide lobby duster fabric refill for each size along with other spare parts, namely 1.5 m aluminum stick and lobby duster frame.

Acrylic Blue Lobby Duster 40 cm Complete

Acrylic Blue Lobby Duster 60 cm Complete

Lobby Acrylic Duster 80 cm Complete

2. Lobby of Duster Putih
    There are three types of white lobby duster sizes available in our store. Lobby white cluster size 40 cm, 60 cm and 80 cm. Lobby duster fabric refill is also available for each size along with other spare parts, namely 1.5 m aluminum stick and lobby duster frame.

Duster White Lobby 40cm Complete
Lobby Duster 60 cm Complete
Lobby Duster Putih 80 cm Complete

3. Spare Parts of Lobby Duster
    The spare parts of the lobby duster are 1.5 meter aluminum sticks, frame lobby duster and lobby duster fabric. Each component of the lobby duster is available in our store.

Aluminium Stick 1,5 meter
Frame Lobby Duster 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm
Lobby Duster Fabric Refill 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm
White Lobby Duster Fabric Refill 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm

FLOOR SIGN (Caution Wet Floor, Cleaning in Progress, Maintenance in Progress)

Floor Sign, Caution Wet Floor, Cleaning in Progress, Maintenance in Progress

If you are interested, please contact the contact provided above, you can also via email if you want to make a price quote, or directly come to our office to get the best price. CV. Sekawan Biotek also serves outside shipping services through available expeditions.

Alat Kebersihan Sehari-hari