Senin, 26 Maret 2018

Berwisata di Toko Alat Kebersihan CV. Sekawan Biotek


Jl. Pertanian No.17 By Pass Pesanggaran - Denpasar Selatan
(depan Indonesia Power / PLN)
Telp. 0361-729276; Fax. 0361-729267; HP/WA. 0818 0566 8222; 081 855 4838
email:; FB:
Jam Kerja :
Hari Senin s/d Jumat: Jam 08.00 - 17.00
Hari Sabtu: Jam 08.00 - 14.00

Bisa Order Via WA / HP nomor diatas lanjut kami kirim atau Via Gojek / Goshop
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Bisa juga Order Langsung via Online Shop kami di Tokopedia & Shopee, SILAHKAN  KLIK :      Atau


                                             Video Persiapan pengiriman barang ke konsumen

Kegiatan persiapan pengiriman barang ke customer, dilaksanakan siang hari setelah kami menerima order dari customer, untuk kami kirim keesokan harinya.

Kantor CV. Sekawan Biotek

Peralatan kebersihan
Jual Single Bucket dan Double Bucket
Alat pengepresan pel single dan double.

Single Bucket I Double Bucket I Plus Wringer / Mop Press / Wet Mop Komplit I Alat Pel

Tujuan :
Supaya lantai tetap bersih dan sehat 

Siapkan peralatan ember dan chemical untuk pengepelan harian.
  •    Single bucket untuk area dibawah 50 meter persegi, untuk area luas atau kotor gunakan double bucket agar lebih bersih dan mudah ganti air kotor.
  • .   Fungsi ember double satu untuk air diisi obat pel, dan satunya untuk air saja, sehingga saat mop kotor dapat dicuci disini.

Tempat Display Peralatan Housekeeping CV. Sekawan Biotek

Peralatan Single Bucket, Floor Squeeze,
 Mesin Vacuum, Floor Mat, Dustpan, dll

Tersedia Floor Brush/Sikat Lantai, Sapu Nilon Nagata,
Room Boy Trolley, Double Bucket

Jual Mesin Polisher Goldie, Polisher Machine Red Wind,
Mesin Brushing BF-521

Jual Sapu Nilon Nagata, Sapu Plastik Taiwan, Sapu Nilon Dragon,
Kemoceng Mircrofiber, Sapu Lidi Tangkai, dll

Room Boy Trolley Warna Hitam
Guest Cart

Jual Room Boy Trolley Large, Room Boy Trolley Small,
Public Area Trolley / Janitor Cart

Jual Single Bucket 20 Liter, Keset Mie Gulungan per meter
Tempat Sampah, Bio Dust Bin

Jual Toilet Brush/Sikat WC, Toilet Pump/Pompa Karet WC,
Serok Sampah Lion Star, Sikat Tile, Sikat Baju/Hand Brush, Gayung

Tempat sampah 1100 Liter I Dust bin 1100 liter
Indent 7-10 hari

Keset Sabut kelapa P x L x Tebal
Panjang 200 cm, 150cm, 100cm, 50 cm
Lebar 50 cm, Tebal 5 cm

Peralatan 3M Pad Sponge Polish lantai, dan obat marmer, teraso
(Bellinzoni Wax, Bellinwax, Steinglanz, One Step, Marble Powder Halus, 
Marble Powder Kasar, OBH/Obat Batu Hitam

Trolley Roomboy Warna hitam dengan tutup pintu

Chemical Kebersihan
(Tersedia Floor Cleaner, Hand soap, Glass Cleaner, Cream Cleanser 3M
Yuri TAF, Pledge, Go Getter Jhonson, Cong-R Dust, Rugbee Shampoo Karpet,
Shampoo Mobil Bratacare, CIF, Dishmaxx, Greaseaway, dll) 

Tempat Sampah Fiber Glass Gantung + Kerangka Besi
Tempat Sampah Outdoor

Jual Accessories Kolam Renang, Selang Vacuum Hayward, Vacuum Hose Aquan.
Vacuum Head Roda, Leaf Skimmer, Telescopic Pool

Jual Vacuum Cleaner Innotechs Dry, Vacuum Cleaner Innotechs Wet and Dry 

Jual Pad Polish 3M,
Pad 16 inch Putih, Merah, Coklat, Hitam
Pad 17 inch Putih, Merah, Hitam
Pad 20 inch Putih, Merah Coklat, Hitam

Jual Laundry Chemical, Toilet Chemical
Detergent Yuri Matic, Pewangi Pakaian So Klin,
Porstex, WPC, Go Getter, Desinfectan Toilet, L100 Desinfectan,
SOS Karbol, SOS Pel Lantai

Ready Stok Banyak: Sapu Ijuk Berlian, Sapu Ijuk Cap Macan,
Sapu Lidi Gagang Kayu, Keset Sabut Kelapa WELCOME / Polos

Sedia Metal Shine/Metal Cleaner, Metal Polish, Teak Oil, Rust Remover,
L&L, RR1, Vetro Glass, Terranova, Terrashine

Jual Dustbin Roda 120 Liter Tanpa Pedal
Dustbin INNO 120 Liter dengan Pedal
Dustbin 240 Liter tanpa pedal
Dustbin 240 Liter dengan pedal

Tempat Sampah Outdoor, Fiberglass Dustbin

Ready Stok Banyak: Kain Refill Lobby Duster Biru 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm
Refill Kain Lobby Duster Putih 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm


Jl. Pertanian No.17 (BPTP) By Pass Pesanggaran - Denpasar 
(depan Indonesia Power / PLN)
Telp. 0361-729276; Fax. 0361-729267; HP/WA. 0818 0566 8222081 855 4838
email:; FB:

Working hours :
Monday to Friday: 08.00 - 17.00
Saturday: 08: 00-13: 00

Video preparation for shipping goods to consumers

The preparation activities for the delivery of goods to the customer are carried out during the day after we receive the order from the customer, for us to send the next day.

Office of CV. Sekawan Biotek

Hygiene equipment
Sell ​​Single Bucket and Double Bucket

Single and double mop press tool.

Single Bucket I Double Bucket I Plus Wringer / Fool Press / Wet Mop Complete I Mop Tool
Aim :
So that the floor remains clean and healthy
Prepare bucket and chemical equipment for daily packing.
   Single bucket for areas under 50 square meters, for large or dirty areas use a double bucket to make it cleaner and easier to replace dirty water.

. The function of the double bucket for water is filled with mop medication, and the other for water only, so that when dirty mop can be washed here.

Display Equipment Housekeeping Equipment CV. Sekawan Biotek
Single Bucket Equipment, Floor Squeeze,

 Vacuum, Floor Mat, Dustpan, etc.
Single Bucket Equipment, Floor Squeeze,

 Vacuum, Floor Mat, Dustpan, etc.

Sell ​​Goldie Polisher Machine, Red Wind Polisher Machine,

Brushing Machine BF-521
Sell ​​Nagata Nylon Broom, Taiwan Plastic Broom, Nylon Dragon Broom,

Mircrofiber duster, Stalk Broom, etc.

Black Boy Trolley Room

Guest Cart
Black Boy Trolley Room
Guest Cart
Selling 20 Liter Single Bucket, Roll Noodle Noodles per meter

Trash, Bio Dust Bin

Selling Toilet Brush / Toilet Brush, Toilet Pump / WC Rubber Pump,

Ladle of Lion Star Garbage, Tile Brush, Shirt Brush / Hand Brush, Dipper
1100 Liter I trash can Dust bin 1100 liters

Indent 7-10 days

Coconut coir mat P x L x Thick
Length of 200 cm, 150 cm, 100 cm, 50 cm
Width 50 cm, 5 cm thick


Equipment 3M Floor Polish Pad Sponge, and marble, terrazzo medicine
(Bellinzoni Wax, Bellinwax, Steinglanz, One Step, Fine Marble Powder,

Rough Marble Powder, OBH / Black Stone Medicine

Trolley Roomboy Black with the door closed

Chemical Hygiene
(Available Floor Cleaner, Hand soap, Glass Cleaner, 3M Cream Cleanser
Yuri TAF, Pledge, Jhonson Go Getter, Cong-R Dust, Rugbee Carpet Shampoo,

Bratacare Car Shampoo, CIF, Dishmaxx, Greaseaway, etc.)

Hanging Glass Fiber Trash + Iron Skeleton

Outdoor Trash Can

Sell ​​Swimming Pool Accessories, Vacuum Hayward Hose, Aquan Hose Vacuum.

Vacuum Head Wheel, Leaf Skimmer, Telescopic Pool

Sell ​​Innotechs Dry Vacuum Cleaner, Vacuum Cleaner Innotechs Wet and Dry

Sell ​​3M Polish Pad,
Pad 16 inch White, Red, Brown, Black
Pad 17 inch White, Red, Black

Pad 20 inch White, Red Brown, Black

Selling Chemical Laundry, Chemical Toilet
Detergent Yuri Matic, Deodorizer for Klin Clothing,
Porstex, WPC, Go Getter, Desinfectant Toilet, L100 Desinfectant,

SOS Karbol, SOS Mop Floor

Ready Stock Lots: Diamond Fiber Brooms, Cap Macan Fiber Brooms,

Wooden Sweep Lidi, Coconut Fiber Doormat WELCOME / Plain

Available Metal Shine / Metal Cleaner, Metal Polish, Teak Oil, Rust Remover,

L & L, RR1, Vetro Glass, Terranova, Terrashine

Sell ​​120 Liter Dustbin Wheels Without Pedals
120 Liter INNO Dustbin with Pedal
Dustbin 240 Liters without pedals
Dustbin 240 liters with a pedal

Outdoor Trash Can, Fiberglass Dustbin

Ready Stock Lots: Blue Duster Lobby Refill Fabric 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm

White Lobby Duster Fabric Refill 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm

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