Senin, 08 April 2019

Jual Mesin Polisher Lantai I Selling Floor Polisher I jual mesin vacuum cleaner wet & dry dan Dry


Jl. Pertanian No.17 By Pass Pesanggaran - Denpasar Selatan
(depan Indonesia Power / PLN)
Telp. 0361-729276; Fax. 0361-729267; HP/WA. 0818 0566 8222; 081 855 4838
email:; FB:
Jam Kerja :
Hari Senin s/d Jumat: Jam 08.00 - 17.00
Hari Sabtu: Jam 08.00 - 14.00

Bisa Order Via WA / HP nomor diatas lanjut kami kirim atau Via Gojek / Goshop
Bisa datang ke kantor kami Share Lokasi Sbb :
Bisa juga Order Langsung via Online Shop kami di Tokopedia & Shopee, SILAHKAN  KLIK :      Atau


Jual Mesin Polisher / Mesin Brushing (Polisher Machine)

Ada tiga jenis mesin polisher yang tersedia di tempat kami; Mesin Polisher Goldhie, Mesin Polisher BF521 dan Mesin Polisher Red Wind dengan masing-masing spesifikasi sebagai berikut:

Mesin Polisher Goldhie
Spesifikasi Mesin Polisher Goldhie

Mesin Hi Speed Floor Machine
Spesifikasi Mesin Hi Speed

Berikut video perakitan mesin polisher merk Goldie, dan salah satu kegunaaanya untuk memoles lantai dengan menggunakan produk Bellinzoni L&L dan RR1.

CV. Sekawan Biotek juga menjual beberapa spare part mesin plosher seperti pad holder, scrubbing brush / sikat kasar, shampooing brush / sikat halus, dan pad polish. Masing-masing pad holder, scrubbing brush dan shampooing brush tersedia ring plastik dan ring besi. Sementara itu, untuk produk pad polish, tersedia pad putih, pad merah, pad coklat, pad hitam untuk masing- masing ukuran 16 inch, 17 inch dan 20 inch. Tersedia juga mesin hand polisher dan diamond pad, wool pad / pad bulu domba, steel wool lembaran, dan steel wool pad.

    Tersedia pad holder ring plastik dan pad holder ring besi ukuran 16 inch, 17 inch, 18 inch.

Pad Holder ring besi dan plastik

Pad holder bagian perekat pad polish

2. Scrubbing Brush (Sikat Kasar)
    Tersedia scrubbing brush / sikat kasar untuk mesin brushing / mesin polisher ring plastik dan ring besi ukuran 16 inch, 17 inch dan 18 inch.

Scrubbing Brush ring besi dan ring plastik (Sikat Kasar) Mesin Polisher 
Scrubbing Brush Mesin Polisher (Sikat Kasar)

3. Shampooing Brush (Sikat Halus)
    Tersedia shampooing brush / sikat kasar ring plastik dan ring besi untuk mesin polisher ukuran 16 inch, 17 inch dan 18 inch.

Shampooing Brush Mesin Poles (Sikat Halus) ring plastik dan ring besi

Shampooing Brush / Sikat Halus Mesin Polisher

4. Pad Polish (Pad Putih, Pad Merah, Pad Coklat, Pad Hitam)
    Tersedia pad polish ukuran 16 inch, pad polish 17 inch dan pad polish 20 inch untuk masing-masing warna (putih, merah, coklat, hitam).

Pad Putih
Ready stock ukuran 16", 17", 20"

Pad Merah
Ready Stock ukuran 16", 17", 20"
Pad Coklat
Ready Stock ukuran 16", 17" 20"
Pad Hitam
Ready Stock ukuran 16", 17", 20"

5. Wool Pad 16" & 7" (Pad Bulu Domba)

6. Steel Wool Pad & Steel Wool Lembaran 
    Tersedia di CV. Sekawan Biotek steel wool pad dan steel wool lembaran baik untuk kristalisasi, keperluan fotografi dan untuk obor tari kecak.

Steel Wool Pad 16"
Steel Wool Lembaran (Steel Wool Magico)
ready stok
Steel Wool SW 1 grade 0
Steel Wool SW1 grade 1

7. Diamond Pad
    Kami juga menjual diamond pad dengan berbagai nomor sesuai dengan tingkat kasar sampai halus. Diamond pad untuk mesin hand polisher yang kami jual mulai dari nomor 30 sampai 3000 (dari paling kasar sampai halus).

diamond pad untuk hand polisher
ready stok: diamond ukuran 30, 50, 100, 150, 300, 500, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000

Jual Mesin Vacuum Cleaner Dry, Wet & Dry merk INNOTECHS

Mesin Vacuum digunakan untuk menunjang kegiatan cleaning service atau proyek-proyek pembangunan. Mesin Vacuum Cleaner ini berfungsi untuk menyedot debu, membersihkan ruangan biasanya lantai, sudut-sudut area tertentu, bisa juga untuk sofa, atau untuk menyedot air pada saat pencucian karpet. Ada dua jenis vacuum cleaner yang tersedia di CV. Sekawan Biotek; Vacuum Cleaner Dry dan Vacuum Cleaner Wet and Dry. Berikut akan kami tampilkan gambar beserta dengan spesifikasinya.

Mesin Vacuum Cleaner Dry 10 Liter

Spesifikasi Mesin Vacuum Cleaner 10 Liter

Mesin Vacuum Cleaner Wet & Dry 15 Liter

Spesifikasi Mesin Vacuum Cleaner 15 Liter

Mesin Vacuum Cleaner 30 Liter

Mesin Vacuum Cleaner 30 Liter

Note: Setiap pembelian Mesin Polisher dan Mesin Vacuum di tempat kami, ada garansi pembelian dan kami siap melakukan service perbaikan. Tersedia juga  spare parts atau indent (tidak lama, 7-10 hari).

Berikut video perakitan mesin vacuum kapasitas 30 Liter dan contoh penggunaannya.


Jalan Pertanian No.17 By Pass Pesanggaran, Denpasar - Bali
(200 meters from the Tol Benoa intersection - Sesetan)
Tel. 0361 - 729276/729267; Fax. 0361 - 729267; WA / SMS: 0818 0566 8222; 0818 554 838
email:; FB: https: //

Working hours :
Monday to Friday: 08.00 - 17.00
Saturday: 08: 00-13: 00

Sell ​​Brushing Machine (Polisher Machine)

There are three types of polisher machines available at our place; Goldhie Polisher Machine, BF521 Polisher Machine and Red Wind Polisher Machine with each of the following specifications:

Goldhie's Polisher Machine
Goldhie Polisher Machine Specifications
BF 521 Polisher Machine
Specification of BF 521 Seven Sindet Polisher Machine
Red Wind Polisher Machine
Specifications of Red Wind Polisher Machine
Hi Speed ​​Floor Machine
Hi Speed ​​Machine Specifications


RYU Hand Polisher Machine
RYU Hand Polisher Machine Specifications

CV. Sekawan Biotek also sells several spare parts for plosher machines such as pad holders, scrubbing brushes / rough brushes, shampooing brushes / soft brushes, and polish pads. Each pad holder, scrubbing brush and shampooing brush are available plastic rings and iron rings. Meanwhile, for the pad polish product, a white pad, a red pad, a brown pad, a black pad for each size of 16 inch, 17 inch and 20 inch are available. There is also a hand polisher and diamond pad machine, wool pad / wool fleece pad, steel sheet wool, and steel wool pad.


 Available plastic ring holder and 16 inch, 17 inch, 18 inch iron ring holder pad.
Iron and plastic ring holder pad
Pad holder, adhesive pad pad part

2. Scrubbing Brush (Rough Brush)
 Available scrubbing brushes / rough brushes for brushing machines / plastic polisher ring machines and 16 inch, 17 inch and 18 inch iron rings.
Scrubbing iron ring brush and plastic ring (rough brush) Polisher machine
Scrubbing Brush Polisher Machine (Coarse Brush)

3. Shampooing Brush
  Available coarse plastic ring and iron ring shampooing brushes for polisher machines measuring 16 inch, 17 inch and 18 inch.
Shampooing Brush Polishing Machine (Smooth Brush) plastic ring and iron ring
Shampooing Brush / Fine Brush Polisher Machine

4. Pad Polish (White Pad, Red Pad, Brown Pad, Black Pad)

    Available 16 inch polish pad, 17 inch polish pad and 20 inch polish pad for each color (white, red, brown, black).
White Pad

Ready stock size 16 ", 17", 20 "
Red Pad
Ready stock size 16 ", 17", 20 "
Brown Pad
Ready stock size 16 ", 17", 20 "
Black Pad
Ready stock size 16 ", 17", 20 "

5. Wool Pad 16 "& 7" (Lamb Fur Pad)

6. Steel Wool Pad & Steel Wool Sheets

  Available on CV. Sekawan Biotek steel wool pad and steel sheet wool both for crystallization, photography purposes and for torch for kecak dance.
Steel Wool Pad 16 "
Steel Wool Sheets (Steel Wool Magico)

ready stock
Steel Wool SW 1 grade 0
Steel Wool SW1 grade 1

7. Diamond Pad

    We also sell diamond pad with various numbers according to rough to smooth levels. Diamond pad for the hand polisher machine that we sell from numbers 30 to 3000 (from the roughest to the smoothest).
diamond pad for hand polisher

ready stock: diamond size 30, 50, 100, 150, 300, 500, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000

Sell ​​Vacuum Cleaner Machine Dry, Wet & Dry INNOTECHS brand

Vacuum machines are used to support cleaning service activities or development projects. This Vacuum Cleaner machine functions to suck up dust, clean the room usually floors, corners of certain areas, it can also be for the sofa, or to suck water when washing carpets. There are two types of vacuum cleaners available at CV. Sekawan Biotek; Dry Vacuum Cleaner and Wet and Dry Vacuum Cleaner. Next we will display the image along with the specifications.

Dry 10 Liter Vacuum Cleaner Machine
Specification of 10 Liter Vacuum Cleaner Machine
Wet & Dry 15 Liter Vacuum Cleaner Machine
Specification of 15 Liter Vacuum Cleaner Machine
30 Liter Vacuum Cleaner Machine
30 Liter Vacuum Cleaner Machine

Note: Every purchase of a Polisher and Vacuum Machine at our place, there is a purchase guarantee and we are ready to do repair service. There are also spare parts or indent (not long, 7-10 days).

Minggu, 07 April 2019

Jual Floor Squeege, Squeegee Lantai, Squeeze Lantai Nagata, Wiper Lantai Nagata / Dragon.


Jl. Pertanian No.17 By Pass Pesanggaran - Denpasar Selatan
(depan Indonesia Power / PLN)
Telp. 0361-729276; Fax. 0361-729267; HP/WA. 0818 0566 8222; 081 855 4838
email:; FB:
Jam Kerja :
Hari Senin s/d Jumat: Jam 08.00 - 17.00
Hari Sabtu: Jam 08.00 - 14.00

Bisa Order Via WA / HP nomor diatas lanjut kami kirim atau Via Gojek / Goshop
Bisa datang ke kantor kami Share Lokasi Sbb :
Bisa juga Order Langsung via Online Shop kami di Tokopedia & Shopee, SILAHKAN  KLIK :  Atau

Menjual berbagai jenis produk Floor Squeeze (Wiper Pembersih Lantai)

Floor squeeze atau dikenal dengan istilah wiper lantai adalah salah satu alat cleaning housekeeping yang digunakan untuk membersihkan permukaan lantai yang basah atau tergenang air. Floor squeeze ini terbuat dari bahan spons tebal  dan padat menyerupai karet sehingga sangat cepat menyerap air sekaligus mengeringkan permukaan lantai yang tergenang air tersebut. Cara penggunaannya juga sangat mudah, tinggal mendorong permukaan squeeze ke lantai yang basah. Floor Squeeze dilengkapi dengan stick/tangkai yang panjang untuk memudahkan pemakaian dan efiesiensi pekerjaan. Ada beberapa jenis floor squeeze yang tersedia di CV. Sekawan Biotek, mulai dari floor squeeze produk Nagata, Dragon, Filmop, dan floor squeeze buatan lokal. 

1. Floor Squeegee I Wiper lantai Nagata

Ukuran; P45 x L10 x T145 cm

2. Floor Squeeze I Wiper lantai Dragon

Ukuran; P39 x L10 x T123 cm

3. Floor Squeeze I Squeegee lantai Filmop

P55 x L4 x T155 cm
tebal karet squeeze 2 cm

4. Floor Squeeze Coklat 55 cm & Floor Squeeze Coklat 75 cm

Ukuran; P55 x L4 x T130 cm
tebal karet squueze 2,5 cm

P75 x L4 x T 130 cm
tebal karet squeeze 2,5 cm

5. Floor Squeeze Local Set Green, Blue

P55 x L4 x T 140 cm
tebal karet squeeze 2 cm

P55 x L4 x T 140 cm
tebal karet squeeze 2 cm

Beberapa jenis floor squeeze seperti Floor Squeeze Nagata, Floor Squeeze Dragon dan Floor Squeeze Local Set Green & Blue harus dibeli satu paket (head squeeze dan tangkai). Tetapi, untuk Floor Squeeze 55 & 75 cm dan Floor Squeeze Filmop, bisa hanya membeli refill head squeezenya saja.  

kami juga melayani :

( Jasa Menyewakan mesin housekeeping )


Supplier of Housekeeping Equipment & Supplier of Cleaning Service Tools in Bali.
Pertanian Street No. 17 By Pass Pesanggaran, Denpasar - Bali
(200 meters from Expressway Benoa Intersection - Sesetan).
Telp. 0361 - 729276 / 729267; WA/SMS: 0818 0566 8222; 081 855 4838

Working hours :
Monday to Friday at 8:00 - 17:00
Saturday at 8:00 - 13:00

Sell ​​various types of products Floor Squeeze (Floor Cleaner Wipers)

Floor squeeze, also known as floor wiper, is one of the housekeeping cleaning tools used to clean the surface of a wet or waterlogged floor. This floor squeeze is made of thick and dense sponge material that resembles rubber so it absorbs water very quickly while drying the surface of the waterlogged floor. How to use it is also very easy, just push the squeeze surface to the wet floor. Floor Squeeze is equipped with a long stick / handle to facilitate the use and efficiency of work. There are several types of floor squeeze available on CV. Sekawan Biotek, starting from the floor squeeze of Nagata, Dragon, Filmop products, and locally made floor squeeze.

1. Floor Squeegee I Wiper floor Nagata
Ukuran; P45 x L10 x T145 cm
2. Floor Squeeze I Dragon's Wiper floor
Ukuran; P39 x L10 x T123 cm
3. Floor Squeeze I Squeegee Filmop floor

P55 x L4 x T155 cm
thick rubber squeeze 2 cm
4. Floor Squeeze Chocolate 55 cm & Floor Squeeze Chocolate 75 cm
Size; P55 x L4 x T130 cm
squueze rubber thickness of 2.5 cm
P75 x L4 x T 130 cm
2.5 cm thick rubber squeeze

5. Floor Squeeze Local Set Green, Blue
P55 x L4 x T 140 cm
thick rubber squeeze 2 cm
P55 x L4 x T 140 cm
thick rubber squeeze 2 cm

Some types of floor squeeze such as Floor Squeeze Nagata, Floor Squeeze Dragon and Floor Squeeze Green & Blue Local Sets must be purchased in one package (head squeeze and handle). However, for Floor Squeeze 55 & 75 cm and Floor Squeeze Filmop, you can only buy a squeezen head refill.

we also serve:
(Marble Polishing and Terasso Polishing Services)
(Services for renting housekeeping machines)

Jual Sapu Lantai, Sapu Nylon, Sapu Ijuk, Sapu Lidi, Sapu Lidi Gagang Kayu, Sapu Daun di Denpasar


Jl. Pertanian No.17 By Pass Pesanggaran - Denpasar Selatan
(depan Indonesia Power / PLN)
Telp. 0361-729276; Fax. 0361-729267; HP/WA. 0818 0566 8222; 081 855 4838
email:; FB:
Jam Kerja :
Hari Senin s/d Jumat: Jam 08.00 - 17.00
Hari Sabtu: Jam 08.00 - 14.00

Bisa Order Via WA / HP nomor diatas lanjut kami kirim atau Via Gojek / Goshop
Bisa datang ke kantor kami Share Lokasi Sbb :
Bisa juga Order Langsung via Online Shop kami di Tokopedia & Shopee, SILAHKAN  KLIK :      Atau



CV. Sekawan Biotek menjual berbagai jenis sapu untuk keperluan kegiatan cleaning di rumah tangga, restoran, hotel, villa, kantor, maupun jasa cleaning service. Ada beberapa merk sapu dengan banyak varian bentuk dan harga yang tersedia sehingga anda bisa memilih sesuai dengan selera, kualitas dan harga. Tersedia sapu ijuk produk Dragon, sapu nilon produk Nagata & Dragon, sapu lidi tanpa gagang dan sapu lidi gagang kayu, sapu taman khusus untuk membersihkan halaman dari sampah daun / sapu daun.

1. Sapu Ijuk
Sapu Ijuk Cap 2 Macan
Uk. lebar sapu 43 cm, tebal 2 cm, 
panjang tangkai 105 cm

Sapu Ijuk Kipas Besar Dragon
Uk. lebar sapu 38 cm, tebal 0,5 cm, panjang tangkai 111 cm

Sapu Ijuk Berlian
Uk. lebar sapu 40 cm, tebal 0,5 cm, panjang tangkai 115 cm

Sapu Ijuk Swan Super Phoenix
Uk. lebar sapu 33 cm, tebal 1 cm, panjang tangkai 98 cm

Sapu Ijuk Naga Surya Phoenix
Uk. lebar sapu 50 cm, tebal 1,5 cm, panjang tangkai 104 cm

Sapu Ijuk Family Phoenix
Uk. lebar sapu 40 cm, tebal 1,5 cm, panjang tangkai 100 cm


Sapu Nilon Nagata Tebal NGT 309
Uk. lebar sapu 35 cm, tebal 9 cm, panjang tangkai 120 cm

Sapu Nylon Nagata NGT 307 SBH
Uk. lebar sapu 30 cm, tebal 4 cm, panjang tangkai 127 cm

Sapu Nylon Nagata NGT 307 
Uk. lebar sapu 33 cm, tebal 5 cm, panjang tangkai 127 cm

Sapu Nylon Nagata NGT 8517 
Uk. lebar sapu 30 cm, tebal 7 cm, panjang tangkai 125 cm

Sapu Nylon Nagata NGT 0717
Uk. lebar sapu 30 cm, tebal 5 cm, panjang tangkai 125 cm

Sapu Nylon Nagata (mini) NGT 441
Uk. lebar sapu 32 cm, tebal 2 cm, panjang tangkai 100 cm


Sapu Nylon Taiwan Hitam SP 114
Uk. lebar sapu 32 cm, tebal 5 cm, panjang tangkai 125 cm

Sapu Nilon Warna
Uk. lebar sapu 32 cm, tebal 7 cm, panjang tangkai 125 cm

Sapu Nilon Manila Warna
Uk. lebar sapu 32 cm, tebal 2 cm, panjang tangkai 125 cm

Sapu Lidi Biasa / Sapu Lidi Tanpa Gagang
ready stok banyak 
Sapu Lidi Tangkai Cap 2 Macan 145 cm
Uk. panjang lidi 64cm, tangkai 81 cm

Sapu Lidi Gagang Kayu 128 cm
Uk. panjang lidi 62cm, tangkai 66 cm
Sapu Lidi Taman Kayu 129 cm
Uk. panjang lidi 63 cm, tangkai 66 cm

Sapu Lidi Taman Tutup Plastik 129 cm
Uk. panjang lidi 63 cm, tangkai 66 cm

Sapu Lidi Kasur / Sapu Penebah / Sapu Tepis 70 cm


Sapu Daun Nagata Besar NGT 214
Uk. panjang sapu 158 cm, lebar sapu 42 cm
Sapu Daun Nagata Kecil NGT 211
Uk. panjang sapu 150 cm, lebar sapu 26 cm

kami juga melayani :


Supplier of Housekeeping Tools Supplier of Cleaning Service Tools in Denpasar - Bali
Pertanian Street No. 17 Pesanggaran, By Pass Benoa
(200 meters from the Benoa expressway - Sesetan, in front of Indonesia Power)
Tel. 0361 - 729276/729267, Fax. 0361 - 729267; email:
WA SMS only: 0818 0566 8222081 855 4838 - FB: Ariya Pal Gunadi

Working hours :
Monday to Friday: 08.00 - 17.00
Saturday: 08: 00-13: 00

(Palm-fiber broom, Nylon Broom, Broom Stick with Handle, Leaves Broom)

CV. Sekawan Biotek sells various types of brooms for cleaning, household, restaurant, hotel, villa, office and cleaning service. There are several brands of brooms with many variants of shapes and prices available so you can choose according to taste, quality and price. Available Dragon product brooms, Nagata & Dragon nylon brooms, stick brooms with no handles and wooden handle brooms, special garden brooms to clean the yard from trash leaves / leaf brooms.

Palm Fiber Broom
Sweep the Cap 2 Tiger Fiber
Uk. broom width 43 cm, 2 cm thick, stem length 105 cm
Dragon's Big Fan Fiber Broom
Uk. broom width 38 cm, 0.5 cm thick, stem length 111 cm
Sweep the Diamond fibers
Uk. broom width 40 cm, 0.5 cm thick, stem length 115 cm
Sweep the Super Phoenix Swan Skill
Uk. broom width 33 cm, 1 cm thick, stalk length 98 cm
Broom of the Naga Surya Phoenix Fiber
Uk. broom width 50 cm, 1.5 cm thick, stem length 104 cm
Broom of the Phoenix Family Fiber
Uk. broom width 40 cm, 1.5 cm thick, 100 cm long stem

Nagata Nylon Broom NGT Thickness 309
Uk. broom width 35 cm, 9 cm thick, stem length 120 cm
Nagata NGT 307 Nylon Broom SBH
Uk. broom width 30 cm, 4 cm thick, stem length 127 cm
Nagata NGT 307 Nylon Broom
Uk. broom width 33 cm, 5 cm thick, stalk length 127 cm
Nagata NGT 8517 Nylon Broom
Uk. broom width 30 cm, 7 cm thick, stalk length 125 cm
Nagata NGT Nylon Broom 0717
Uk. broom width 30 cm, 5 cm thick, stalk length 125 cm
Nagata (mini) Nylon Broom NGT 441
Uk. broom width 32 cm, 2 cm thick, 100 cm stalk length

Taiwan Black Nylon Broom SP 114
Uk. broom width 32 cm, 5 cm thick, 125 cm stalk length
Color Nylon Broom
Uk. broom width 32 cm, 7 cm thick, stalk length 125 cm
Manila Nylon Sweep Color
Uk. broom width 32 cm, 2 cm thick, 125 cm long stalk

Sweep an ordinary stick / stick broom without handle
lots of ready stock
Broom Stick Cap 2 Tigers 145 cm
Uk. long stick 64cm, stem 81 cm
128 cm Wood Handle Broom
Uk. 62cm long stick, 66 cm stem
Wooden Garden Brooms 129 cm
Uk. long stick 63 cm, stem 66 cm
Broom Sticks Garden Plastic Cover 129 cm
Uk. long stick 63 cm, stem 66 cm
Sweep the Mattress Stick / Thickening Broom / Broom Edge 70 cm

Large NGT 214 Nagata Leaf Broom
Uk. broom length 158 cm, broom width 42 cm
Small Nagata Leaf Broom NGT 211
Uk. the length of the broom is 150 cm, the width of the broom is 26 cm

we also serve:
(Marble Polishing and Terasso Polishing Services)
(Services for renting housekeeping machines)

Rabu, 22 Agustus 2018

Jual Keset Sabut Kelapa l For Sale Coco Fiber Doormat


Jl. Pertanian No.17 By Pass Pesanggaran - Denpasar Selatan
(depan Indonesia Power / PLN)
Telp. 0361-729276; Fax. 0361-729267; HP/WA. 0818 0566 8222; 081 855 4838
email:; FB:
Jam Kerja :
Hari Senin s/d Jumat: Jam 08.00 - 17.00
Hari Sabtu: Jam 08.00 - 14.00

Bisa Order Via WA / HP nomor diatas lanjut kami kirim atau Via Gojek / Goshop
Bisa datang ke kantor kami Share Lokasi Sbb :
Bisa juga Order Langsung via Online Shop kami di Tokopedia & Shopee, SILAHKAN  KLIK :  Atau

Jual Keset Sabut Kelapa I Coco Fibre Doormat (for sell)
Menerima pesanan berdasarkan kebutuhan ukuran dan tulisan yang diinginkan

Keset Sabut Kelapa terbuat dari sabut kelapa yang sudah kering. Sabut ini digiling hingga menjadi serat-serat halus, diproses anyam bahkan dipadatkan supaya rata dan kuat, keset sabut kelapa bisa dipesan sesuai ukuran yang diminta , baik polos tanpa tulisan atau dengan tulisan WELCOME yang terkenal. CV. Sekawan Biotek menyediakan beberapa ukuran keset sabut kelapa, keset sabut dengan tulisan WELCOME dan keset sabut kelapa polos tanpa tulisan. Ada beberapa ukuran keset yang ready di tempat kami; mulai dari panjang 100 cm, 150 cm dan 200 cm, lebar 50 cm dan tebal 7 cm. Kami juga melayani pesanan sesuai dengan request ukuran dan tulisan, dengan batas waktu tertentu. Hub/WA ke contact person yang tersedia di atas untuk mendapatkan penawaran harga terbaik, atau bisa mengirimkan penawaran terlebih dahulu ke email kami.

1. Keset Sabut Kelapa POLOS (Tanpa Tulisan)

Keset Sabut Kelapa Polos 50 x 80, tebal 1,5 cm
Keset Sabut Kelapa Polos Garis Hitam Strip 50 x 80, tebal 1,5 cm

Keset Sabut Kelapa Polos 50 x 80 x 5 cm

Keset Sabut Kelapa WELCOME sesuai request siap dikirim

Keset sabut kelapa tebal dan halus, berbagai macam ukuran
Jual Keset sabut kelapa di denpasar bali telp. 0818554838 / 0361 729276 / 0361 729267


Pertanian Street No. 17 By Pass Pesanggaran, Denpasar - BALI
(200 meters from intersection Benoa expressway - Sesetan)
Telp. (0361) 729276 / 729267; Fax. (0361) 729267; WA/SMS: 0818 0566 82220818 554 838
email:; FB: Ariya Pal Gunadi

Working hours :
Monday to Friday: 08.00 - 17.00

Saturday: 08: 00-13: 00

Sell ​​Coconut Fiber I Doormat Coco Fiber Doormat (for sell)
Receive orders based on the size and writing requirements desired

Coconut Fiber Doormat is made from dried coconut fiber. This coir is milled to become fine fibers, processed with weaving and even compacted and flat, coconut coats can be ordered according to the size requested, either plain without writing or with the famous WELCOME writing. CV. Sekawan Biotek provides several sizes of coconut coir mats, coir mats with WELCOME inscriptions and plain coconut coats without writing. There are several sizes of mats that are ready in our place; starting from 100 cm long, 150 cm and 200 cm long, 50 cm wide and 7 cm thick. We also serve orders according to request size and writing, with a certain time limit. Hub / WA to the contact person available above to get the best price quote, or can send an offer first to our email.

1. Coconut Coir Doormat PLAIN (Without Writing)
Plain Coconut Fiber Doormat 50 x 80, 1.5 cm thick
Plain Black Coconut Fiber Doormat Black Strip 50 x 80, 1.5 cm thick
Plain Coconut Fiber Doormat 50 x 80 x 5 cm
WELCOME Coconut Fiber Doormat on request is ready to be sent
Coconut fiber mat is thick and smooth, various sizes
Sell ​​coconut fiber mat in Denpasar Bali Tel. 0818554838/0361 729276/0361 729267

Alat Kebersihan Sehari-hari