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Jual Mesin Polisher / Mesin Brushing (Polisher Machine)
Ada tiga jenis mesin polisher yang tersedia di tempat kami; Mesin Polisher Goldhie, Mesin Polisher BF521 dan Mesin Polisher Red Wind dengan masing-masing spesifikasi sebagai berikut:
Mesin Polisher Goldhie
Spesifikasi Mesin Polisher Goldhie
Mesin Hi Speed Floor Machine
Spesifikasi Mesin Hi Speed
Berikut video perakitan mesin polisher merk Goldie, dan salah satu kegunaaanya untuk memoles lantai dengan menggunakan produk Bellinzoni L&L dan RR1.
CV. Sekawan Biotek juga menjual beberapa spare part mesin plosher seperti pad holder, scrubbing brush / sikat kasar, shampooing brush / sikat halus, dan pad polish. Masing-masing pad holder, scrubbing brush dan shampooing brush tersedia ring plastik dan ring besi. Sementara itu, untuk produk pad polish, tersedia pad putih, pad merah, pad coklat, pad hitam untuk masing- masing ukuran 16 inch, 17 inch dan 20 inch. Tersedia juga mesin hand polisher dan diamond pad, wool pad / pad bulu domba, steel wool lembaran, dan steel wool pad.
Tersedia pad holder ring plastik dan pad holder ring besi ukuran 16 inch, 17 inch, 18 inch.
Pad Holder ring besi dan plastik
Pad holder bagian perekat pad polish
2. Scrubbing Brush (Sikat Kasar)
Tersedia scrubbing brush / sikat kasar untuk mesin brushing / mesin polisher ring plastik dan ring besi ukuran 16 inch, 17 inch dan 18 inch.
Scrubbing Brush ring besi dan ring plastik (Sikat Kasar) Mesin Polisher
Scrubbing Brush Mesin Polisher (Sikat Kasar)
3. Shampooing Brush (Sikat Halus)
Tersedia shampooing brush / sikat kasar ring plastik dan ring besi untuk mesin polisher ukuran 16 inch, 17 inch dan 18 inch.
Shampooing Brush Mesin Poles (Sikat Halus) ring plastik dan ring besi
Shampooing Brush / Sikat Halus Mesin Polisher
4. Pad Polish (Pad Putih, Pad Merah, Pad Coklat, Pad Hitam)
Tersedia pad polish ukuran 16 inch, pad polish 17 inch dan pad polish 20 inch untuk masing-masing warna (putih, merah, coklat, hitam).
Pad Putih
Ready stock ukuran 16", 17", 20"
Pad Merah
Ready Stock ukuran 16", 17", 20"
Pad Coklat
Ready Stock ukuran 16", 17" 20"
Pad Hitam
Ready Stock ukuran 16", 17", 20"
5. Wool Pad 16" & 7" (Pad Bulu Domba)
6. Steel Wool Pad & Steel Wool Lembaran
Tersedia di CV. Sekawan Biotek steel wool pad dan steel wool lembaran baik untuk kristalisasi, keperluan fotografi dan untuk obor tari kecak.
Steel Wool Pad 16"
Steel Wool Lembaran (Steel Wool Magico)
ready stok
Steel Wool SW 1 grade 0
Steel Wool SW1 grade 1
7. Diamond Pad
Kami juga menjual diamond pad dengan berbagai nomor sesuai dengan tingkat kasar sampai halus. Diamond pad untuk mesin hand polisher yang kami jual mulai dari nomor 30 sampai 3000 (dari paling kasar sampai halus).
diamond pad untuk hand polisher
ready stok: diamond ukuran 30, 50, 100, 150, 300, 500, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000
Mesin Polisher Goldhie |
Spesifikasi Mesin Polisher Goldhie |
Mesin Hi Speed Floor Machine |
Spesifikasi Mesin Hi Speed |
Berikut video perakitan mesin polisher merk Goldie, dan salah satu kegunaaanya untuk memoles lantai dengan menggunakan produk Bellinzoni L&L dan RR1.
CV. Sekawan Biotek juga menjual beberapa spare part mesin plosher seperti pad holder, scrubbing brush / sikat kasar, shampooing brush / sikat halus, dan pad polish. Masing-masing pad holder, scrubbing brush dan shampooing brush tersedia ring plastik dan ring besi. Sementara itu, untuk produk pad polish, tersedia pad putih, pad merah, pad coklat, pad hitam untuk masing- masing ukuran 16 inch, 17 inch dan 20 inch. Tersedia juga mesin hand polisher dan diamond pad, wool pad / pad bulu domba, steel wool lembaran, dan steel wool pad.
Tersedia pad holder ring plastik dan pad holder ring besi ukuran 16 inch, 17 inch, 18 inch.
Pad Holder ring besi dan plastik |
Pad holder bagian perekat pad polish |
2. Scrubbing Brush (Sikat Kasar)
Tersedia scrubbing brush / sikat kasar untuk mesin brushing / mesin polisher ring plastik dan ring besi ukuran 16 inch, 17 inch dan 18 inch.
Scrubbing Brush ring besi dan ring plastik (Sikat Kasar) Mesin Polisher |
Scrubbing Brush Mesin Polisher (Sikat Kasar) |
3. Shampooing Brush (Sikat Halus)
Tersedia shampooing brush / sikat kasar ring plastik dan ring besi untuk mesin polisher ukuran 16 inch, 17 inch dan 18 inch.
Tersedia shampooing brush / sikat kasar ring plastik dan ring besi untuk mesin polisher ukuran 16 inch, 17 inch dan 18 inch.
Shampooing Brush Mesin Poles (Sikat Halus) ring plastik dan ring besi |
Shampooing Brush / Sikat Halus Mesin Polisher |
4. Pad Polish (Pad Putih, Pad Merah, Pad Coklat, Pad Hitam)
Tersedia pad polish ukuran 16 inch, pad polish 17 inch dan pad polish 20 inch untuk masing-masing warna (putih, merah, coklat, hitam).
Pad Putih Ready stock ukuran 16", 17", 20" |
Pad Merah Ready Stock ukuran 16", 17", 20" |
Pad Coklat Ready Stock ukuran 16", 17" 20" |
Pad Hitam Ready Stock ukuran 16", 17", 20" |
5. Wool Pad 16" & 7" (Pad Bulu Domba)
6. Steel Wool Pad & Steel Wool Lembaran
Tersedia di CV. Sekawan Biotek steel wool pad dan steel wool lembaran baik untuk kristalisasi, keperluan fotografi dan untuk obor tari kecak.
Steel Wool Pad 16" |
Steel Wool Lembaran (Steel Wool Magico) ready stok |
Steel Wool SW 1 grade 0 |
Steel Wool SW1 grade 1 |
7. Diamond Pad
Kami juga menjual diamond pad dengan berbagai nomor sesuai dengan tingkat kasar sampai halus. Diamond pad untuk mesin hand polisher yang kami jual mulai dari nomor 30 sampai 3000 (dari paling kasar sampai halus).
diamond pad untuk hand polisher ready stok: diamond ukuran 30, 50, 100, 150, 300, 500, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000 |
Jual Mesin Vacuum Cleaner Dry, Wet & Dry merk INNOTECHS
Mesin Vacuum digunakan untuk menunjang kegiatan cleaning service atau proyek-proyek pembangunan. Mesin Vacuum Cleaner ini berfungsi untuk menyedot debu, membersihkan ruangan biasanya lantai, sudut-sudut area tertentu, bisa juga untuk sofa, atau untuk menyedot air pada saat pencucian karpet. Ada dua jenis vacuum cleaner yang tersedia di CV. Sekawan Biotek; Vacuum Cleaner Dry dan Vacuum Cleaner Wet and Dry. Berikut akan kami tampilkan gambar beserta dengan spesifikasinya.
Mesin Vacuum Cleaner Dry 10 Liter |
Spesifikasi Mesin Vacuum Cleaner 10 Liter |
Mesin Vacuum Cleaner Wet & Dry 15 Liter |
Spesifikasi Mesin Vacuum Cleaner 15 Liter |
Mesin Vacuum Cleaner 30 Liter |
Mesin Vacuum Cleaner 30 Liter |
Note: Setiap pembelian Mesin Polisher dan Mesin Vacuum di tempat kami, ada garansi pembelian dan kami siap melakukan service perbaikan. Tersedia juga spare parts atau indent (tidak lama, 7-10 hari).
Berikut video perakitan mesin vacuum kapasitas 30 Liter dan contoh penggunaannya.
Berikut video perakitan mesin vacuum kapasitas 30 Liter dan contoh penggunaannya.
Jalan Pertanian No.17 By Pass Pesanggaran, Denpasar - Bali
(200 meters from the Tol Benoa intersection - Sesetan)
Tel. 0361 - 729276/729267; Fax. 0361 - 729267; WA / SMS: 0818 0566 8222; 0818 554 838
email:; FB: https: //
Working hours :
Monday to Friday: 08.00 - 17.00
Saturday: 08: 00-13: 00
Sell Brushing Machine (Polisher Machine)
There are three types of polisher machines available at our place; Goldhie Polisher Machine, BF521 Polisher Machine and Red Wind Polisher Machine with each of the following specifications:
Goldhie's Polisher Machine
Goldhie Polisher Machine Specifications
BF 521 Polisher Machine
Specification of BF 521 Seven Sindet Polisher Machine
Red Wind Polisher Machine
Specifications of Red Wind Polisher Machine
Hi Speed Floor Machine
Hi Speed Machine Specifications
RYU Hand Polisher Machine
RYU Hand Polisher Machine Specifications
CV. Sekawan Biotek also sells several spare parts for plosher machines such as pad holders, scrubbing brushes / rough brushes, shampooing brushes / soft brushes, and polish pads. Each pad holder, scrubbing brush and shampooing brush are available plastic rings and iron rings. Meanwhile, for the pad polish product, a white pad, a red pad, a brown pad, a black pad for each size of 16 inch, 17 inch and 20 inch are available. There is also a hand polisher and diamond pad machine, wool pad / wool fleece pad, steel sheet wool, and steel wool pad.1. PAD HOLDER
Available plastic ring holder and 16 inch, 17 inch, 18 inch iron ring holder pad.
Iron and plastic ring holder pad
Pad holder, adhesive pad pad part
2. Scrubbing Brush (Rough Brush)
Available scrubbing brushes / rough brushes for brushing machines / plastic polisher ring machines and 16 inch, 17 inch and 18 inch iron rings.
Scrubbing iron ring brush and plastic ring (rough brush) Polisher machine
Scrubbing Brush Polisher Machine (Coarse Brush)
3. Shampooing Brush
Available coarse plastic ring and iron ring shampooing brushes for polisher machines measuring 16 inch, 17 inch and 18 inch.
Shampooing Brush Polishing Machine (Smooth Brush) plastic ring and iron ring
Shampooing Brush / Fine Brush Polisher Machine
4. Pad Polish (White Pad, Red Pad, Brown Pad, Black Pad)
Available 16 inch polish pad, 17 inch polish pad and 20 inch polish pad for each color (white, red, brown, black).
White Pad
Ready stock size 16 ", 17", 20 "
Red Pad
Ready stock size 16 ", 17", 20 "
Brown Pad
Ready stock size 16 ", 17", 20 "
Black Pad
Ready stock size 16 ", 17", 20 "
5. Wool Pad 16 "& 7" (Lamb Fur Pad)
6. Steel Wool Pad & Steel Wool Sheets
Available on CV. Sekawan Biotek steel wool pad and steel sheet wool both for crystallization, photography purposes and for torch for kecak dance.
Steel Wool Pad 16 "
Steel Wool Sheets (Steel Wool Magico)
ready stock
Steel Wool SW 1 grade 0
Steel Wool SW1 grade 1
7. Diamond Pad
We also sell diamond pad with various numbers according to rough to smooth levels. Diamond pad for the hand polisher machine that we sell from numbers 30 to 3000 (from the roughest to the smoothest).
diamond pad for hand polisher
ready stock: diamond size 30, 50, 100, 150, 300, 500, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000
Sell Vacuum Cleaner Machine Dry, Wet & Dry INNOTECHS brand
Vacuum machines are used to support cleaning service activities or development projects. This Vacuum Cleaner machine functions to suck up dust, clean the room usually floors, corners of certain areas, it can also be for the sofa, or to suck water when washing carpets. There are two types of vacuum cleaners available at CV. Sekawan Biotek; Dry Vacuum Cleaner and Wet and Dry Vacuum Cleaner. Next we will display the image along with the specifications.
Dry 10 Liter Vacuum Cleaner Machine
Specification of 10 Liter Vacuum Cleaner Machine
Wet & Dry 15 Liter Vacuum Cleaner Machine
Specification of 15 Liter Vacuum Cleaner Machine
30 Liter Vacuum Cleaner Machine
30 Liter Vacuum Cleaner Machine
Note: Every purchase of a Polisher and Vacuum Machine at our place, there is a purchase guarantee and we are ready to do repair service. There are also spare parts or indent (not long, 7-10 days).
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