Kamis, 11 April 2019

Jual Plastik Sampah Hitam Ecogreen Bisa Didaur Ulang


Jl. Pertanian No.17 By Pass Pesanggaran - Denpasar Selatan
(depan Indonesia Power / PLN)
Telp. 0361-729276; Fax. 0361-729267; HP/WA. 0818 0566 8222; 081 855 4838
email: palgunad@gmail.com; FB: https://www.facebook.com/SekawanBiotek
Jam Kerja :
Hari Senin s/d Jumat: Jam 08.00 - 17.00
Hari Sabtu: Jam 08.00 - 14.00

Bisa Order Via WA / HP nomor diatas lanjut kami kirim atau Via Gojek / Goshop
Bisa datang ke kantor kami Share Lokasi Sbb :  
Bisa juga Order Langsung via Online Shop kami di Tokopedia & Shopee, SILAHKAN  KLIK :

 https://shopee.co.id      Atau   https://www.tokopedia.com


                                          TOKO ALAT KEBERSIHAN DI BALI

Jual Plastik Sampah Hitam Ecogreen Bisa di Daur Ulang

1. Plastik Sampah Hitam Kecil (Garbage Bag Small Plastic)

Plastik Sampah Hitam Kecil 40 x 60
Garbage Bag / Trash Bag 
Plastik Sampah Hitam Kecil 50 x 60 cm
Trash Bag Small Black 50 x 60 cm

2. Plastik Sampah Hitam Sedang (Garbage Bag Plastic Medium)

Plastik Sampah Hitam Medium 60 x 80 cm
Garbage Plastic Bag Medium 60 x 80 cm

3. Plastik Sampah Hitam Besar (Garbage Bag Plastic Large)

Plastik Sampah Besar 90 x 100 cm
Garbage Bag Large 90 x 100 cm

Plastik Sampah Hitam Besar Tebal 90 x 100 cm
Garbage Bag Bold Large 90 x 100 cm

Plastik Sampah Putih Besar 90 x 100
Garbage Bag White Large 90 x 100

Plastik Sampah Besar 90 x 120 cm
Trash Bag Black Large 90 x 120

CV. Sekawan Biotek juga menyediakan berbagai jenis tempat sampah, bisa dibuka di link berikut ini:


Jl. Pertanian No.17 (BPTP) Pesanggaran, By Pass Benoa - Denpasar 
(depan Indonesia Power / PLN)
Telp. 0361-729276; Fax. 0361-729267; HP/WA. 0818 0566 8222; 081 855 4838
email: palgunad@gmail.com; FB: https://www.facebook.com/SekawanBiotek

Working hours :
Monday to Friday: 08.00 - 17.00
Saturday: 08: 00-13: 00

Sell ​​Eco-green Recycled Black Trash Plastic | Plastic Waste Bag | Plastic Garbage Bag 

1. Small Plastic Garbage Bag
Small Black Plastic Garbage Bag
size 40 x 60 cm

Small Black Waste Plastic
size 50 x 60 cm

2. Medium Waste Plastic (Plastic Garbage Bag Medium)
Medium Black Trash Plastic Bag
size 60 x 80 cm

3. Large Trash Plastic (Plastic Garbage Bag Large)

Large Waste Plastic
size 90 x 100 cm

Black Thick Large Waste Plastic 
size 90 x 100 cm 

Large Garbage Bag White
size 90 x 100

Large Thick Garbage Bag
size 90 x 120 cm

CV. Sekawan Biotek also provides various types of rubbish bins, can be opened at the following link:
Dustbin Tempat Sampah Roda + Pedal / Jual Tempat Sampah Outdoor & Indoor / Jual Tempat Sampah Plastik

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