Minggu, 07 April 2019

Jual Floor Squeege, Squeegee Lantai, Squeeze Lantai Nagata, Wiper Lantai Nagata / Dragon.


Jl. Pertanian No.17 By Pass Pesanggaran - Denpasar Selatan
(depan Indonesia Power / PLN)
Telp. 0361-729276; Fax. 0361-729267; HP/WA. 0818 0566 8222; 081 855 4838
email: palgunad@gmail.com; FB: https://www.facebook.com/SekawanBiotek
Jam Kerja :
Hari Senin s/d Jumat: Jam 08.00 - 17.00
Hari Sabtu: Jam 08.00 - 14.00

Bisa Order Via WA / HP nomor diatas lanjut kami kirim atau Via Gojek / Goshop
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Menjual berbagai jenis produk Floor Squeeze (Wiper Pembersih Lantai)

Floor squeeze atau dikenal dengan istilah wiper lantai adalah salah satu alat cleaning housekeeping yang digunakan untuk membersihkan permukaan lantai yang basah atau tergenang air. Floor squeeze ini terbuat dari bahan spons tebal  dan padat menyerupai karet sehingga sangat cepat menyerap air sekaligus mengeringkan permukaan lantai yang tergenang air tersebut. Cara penggunaannya juga sangat mudah, tinggal mendorong permukaan squeeze ke lantai yang basah. Floor Squeeze dilengkapi dengan stick/tangkai yang panjang untuk memudahkan pemakaian dan efiesiensi pekerjaan. Ada beberapa jenis floor squeeze yang tersedia di CV. Sekawan Biotek, mulai dari floor squeeze produk Nagata, Dragon, Filmop, dan floor squeeze buatan lokal. 

1. Floor Squeegee I Wiper lantai Nagata

Ukuran; P45 x L10 x T145 cm

2. Floor Squeeze I Wiper lantai Dragon

Ukuran; P39 x L10 x T123 cm

3. Floor Squeeze I Squeegee lantai Filmop

P55 x L4 x T155 cm
tebal karet squeeze 2 cm

4. Floor Squeeze Coklat 55 cm & Floor Squeeze Coklat 75 cm

Ukuran; P55 x L4 x T130 cm
tebal karet squueze 2,5 cm

P75 x L4 x T 130 cm
tebal karet squeeze 2,5 cm

5. Floor Squeeze Local Set Green, Blue

P55 x L4 x T 140 cm
tebal karet squeeze 2 cm

P55 x L4 x T 140 cm
tebal karet squeeze 2 cm

Beberapa jenis floor squeeze seperti Floor Squeeze Nagata, Floor Squeeze Dragon dan Floor Squeeze Local Set Green & Blue harus dibeli satu paket (head squeeze dan tangkai). Tetapi, untuk Floor Squeeze 55 & 75 cm dan Floor Squeeze Filmop, bisa hanya membeli refill head squeezenya saja.  

kami juga melayani :

( Jasa Menyewakan mesin housekeeping )


Supplier of Housekeeping Equipment & Supplier of Cleaning Service Tools in Bali.
Pertanian Street No. 17 By Pass Pesanggaran, Denpasar - Bali
(200 meters from Expressway Benoa Intersection - Sesetan).
Telp. 0361 - 729276 / 729267; WA/SMS: 0818 0566 8222; 081 855 4838
 email: palgunad@gmail.com; https://www.facebook.com/SekawanBiotek

Working hours :
Monday to Friday at 8:00 - 17:00
Saturday at 8:00 - 13:00

Sell ​​various types of products Floor Squeeze (Floor Cleaner Wipers)

Floor squeeze, also known as floor wiper, is one of the housekeeping cleaning tools used to clean the surface of a wet or waterlogged floor. This floor squeeze is made of thick and dense sponge material that resembles rubber so it absorbs water very quickly while drying the surface of the waterlogged floor. How to use it is also very easy, just push the squeeze surface to the wet floor. Floor Squeeze is equipped with a long stick / handle to facilitate the use and efficiency of work. There are several types of floor squeeze available on CV. Sekawan Biotek, starting from the floor squeeze of Nagata, Dragon, Filmop products, and locally made floor squeeze.

1. Floor Squeegee I Wiper floor Nagata
Ukuran; P45 x L10 x T145 cm
2. Floor Squeeze I Dragon's Wiper floor
Ukuran; P39 x L10 x T123 cm
3. Floor Squeeze I Squeegee Filmop floor

P55 x L4 x T155 cm
thick rubber squeeze 2 cm
4. Floor Squeeze Chocolate 55 cm & Floor Squeeze Chocolate 75 cm
Size; P55 x L4 x T130 cm
squueze rubber thickness of 2.5 cm
P75 x L4 x T 130 cm
2.5 cm thick rubber squeeze

5. Floor Squeeze Local Set Green, Blue
P55 x L4 x T 140 cm
thick rubber squeeze 2 cm
P55 x L4 x T 140 cm
thick rubber squeeze 2 cm

Some types of floor squeeze such as Floor Squeeze Nagata, Floor Squeeze Dragon and Floor Squeeze Green & Blue Local Sets must be purchased in one package (head squeeze and handle). However, for Floor Squeeze 55 & 75 cm and Floor Squeeze Filmop, you can only buy a squeezen head refill.

we also serve:
(Marble Polishing and Terasso Polishing Services)
(Services for renting housekeeping machines)

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